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4570 upgrade worth it

22 Oct 2010
East Yorkshire
Hi all I have trawled the internet to see if it is worth upgrading my cpu here is my spec and planned upgrades

msi b85i itx
8gb Kingston hyperx running at xmp for 1600mhz stock of 1800mhz not sure mobo will run it at that

msi twin frozr gtx 760(getting replaced with r9 390 twin frozr)
550w xfx bronze (getting replaced with a 750w decent psu )
Samsung 840 evo 120gb
3x hdd
1080p monitor 60hz(to be replaced with a 1440p monitor )

I been looking at ,4690k, xeon 1231v3, skylake 6600k

rational: 4690k seems to be go to choice would need new mobo and cooler
Xeon 1231 v3 seems as good as i7 with no overclock can use same mobo and use money elsewhere
6600k get new mobo ram and cpu

I see upgrading from 4570 to 4690k would only get about 10fps difference what would you upgrade and why , was even thing stick with mobo ram and cpu and dumping it all on a gtx 980 but look only as good as r9 390 got about £400 to spend
Unless you are going to get a K series cpu and overclock it the only thing I would replace is the gpu. If you are lucky your current motherboard may be able to overclock a K series cpu. My wifes Gigabyte B85M-D3H overclocks my 4670k to the same speed with the same settings as my ROG Hero. If it could clock a 4670k/4690k to 4.4-4.6Ghz that would give you a decent boost but still not as big as a new gpu would give you.

Your XFX psu is already a decent unit. It may only be bronze rated but it is a Seasonic built unit. Is it a Core edition? You still have 528w on the 12v rail.
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