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4600 x2 problems after install...

4 Jun 2003
UK, Dorset
Hiya guys, just wanted to see if anyone else has had issues after installing an x2 of restarts and bsod's.
I had an 3700 till a few weeks ago, then i installed an 4600 x2, now it seems that i am getting restarts, freezes and bsod's. The prob is that its very random and does not always create an event log etc.
I installed the amd driver, bit not the optimizer as heard that that can case issues itself. Did not re-install windows as this should not be needed.
The temps are fine and have checked ram in blend for an hour, psu is as sig.
The odd thing is that it will be fine for a bit getting nearly 6k in 3d06 then whilst on net it will just freeze or restart....

Do you guys think it could be down t the cpu? would a re-install solve this?

The temps are fine, average about 38. The heatsink is an arctic cooler 64 pro. Bios is something that i have thought of, i did look at the dfi site and i think that there is a new one, but need to check what my old one is. Whats the best way to check on a dfi board?
Am going to install the amd opt software aswell, as maybe that is causing an issue?
installed th amd opt before you said swanseajack, sorry. Since install it does not seem so bad. I did however leave it whilst i went out for dinner and came back with it locked up on screensaver.
The cpu i'm pretty sure is recognized, the multi etc is all correct and in windows it recognized it without any drivers etc

Still not sure how to find what bios i curently have?
yeah sorry, i know how to get in there, i just cold not see it in there. I see on the forums they refer to 12/1 and 11/15 etc, all i can find is that it says 6.00pg and 12/07/05. All i can guess is that this is an old one, download the latest one and if it goes pair shaped reload?
Excellent thanks, that what i needed. :D Will check that tomorrow now though. Going on the fact that i have the date of 12/07/05, i would imagine that mine is quiet old though yes? I am hoping that this is the case as i see that dfi updated there bios's for amd cpu's i see. I wonder if it was for x2's......
Well, without wanting to tempt fate, all seems well at Sherm's lian-li central....

Since last night it has not crashed. I installed the amd opt and reset the bios back to optimized (just in case i had changed something that it did not like) also it might give it a chance to detect the cpu again after install. I re-installed my gpu, cleared all ati software out using cat-uninstaller and put the new 7.1's on.
The next step that i was going to take is to flash the bios, but if it stays ok from now on then i will leave it.

Thanks for the advice on the heat issues, will keep them in mind for future, just in case.

As for the sata, i forgot that they were backward compatible, the only thing is that i heard that some sata II's run slower downgraded than a good normal sata?

I think now i will just try and give it some beasting, to see if i can make it crash, but think tonight i will just leave it be and make sure it can stay running for a nice period, overnight or something.

Liek i say hopefully all is better now, but will let you know. Meanwhile many thanks for the replies and help with this, its appreciated. :D
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