4770k 4.4 fine 4.5 = crash

25 Nov 2005
Just wondering if you can give any advice, I can keep my 4770k stable at 4.4/1.26v, however when I try for 4.5 it keeps crashing in Prime even going as far as 1.35v. Trying to adjust 1 variable at a time to keep it easy to troubleshoot and I'm at my max acceptable limit for core voltage, would you recommend increasing VRIN ? Currently at 1.8, or should I not bother going for 4.5 and be happy with 4.4 ? Guess I'm unlucky with silicon lottery as 4.5 is only breaking average for Haswells.
Did u try also tuning io and Sa voltages?? What board are u on??

Gigabyte Z87 UD4H, I'm trying to keep temps reasonable and to be honest 1.35v was running close to my limit, if I'm upping voltages elsewhere to compensate it's still going to be overall higher v so more temp so I don't mind down clocking and running lower volts to stay cooler.

Would have liked 4.5 but unless I go underwater I doubt it's possible at a reasonable temp/voltage

Like @Rroff says it's probably just a wall and the massive jump in V's just isn't worth it

Here's hoping my next roll of the dice in the silicon lottery will be better lol
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