4770k with lots of memory

22 Dec 2008
Processor: 4770k (delidded)
Cooler: Noctua NH-D14
Motherboard: Asus Z97-WS (Latest bios, 2304)
RAM: G.Skill F3-1866C8Q-32GTX (32GB, 4x 8GB DIMMs, 1866mhz, 8-9-9-24-2T)
GPU: Asus R9 290x
PSU: Corsair AX1200i
OS: Windows 8.1 64-Bit

I'm struggling to overclock my 4770k very far at all. In fact I think I've got somewhat of a bum chip as I'm having trouble stabilising:

4.3Ghz/3.5Ghz (Core/Uncore) at:
Vcore:          1.3v
Vcache (Vring): 1.15v
Vin:            1.9v
VCCSA:          +0.15v (~1.016v)
IO Analog:      +0.15v
IO Digital:     +0.15v
LLC:            Level 9
Memory:         Set using XMP (1866Mhz 8-9-9-24-2T)

I run scientific simulations on my machine (which use AVX2) so I'm using the latest prime95 to check stability. Sometimes I'll get 4hrs into a run and then the machine will either BSOD with a 101 or 124, or the prime95 application will crash or error with a rounding error.

I achieved prime95 stability at 4.2Ghz/3.5Ghz using:
Vcore:          1.29v
Vcache (Vring): 1.15v
Vin:            Auto (~1.74v)
VCCSA:          Auto (~0.808v)
IO Analog:      Auto
IO Digital:     Auto
LLC:            Level 9
Memory:         Set using XMP (1866Mhz 8-9-9-24-2T)

I guess my first question is whether I should be increasing SA and IO voltages for this memory configuration at all? And otherwise any additional changes you'd recommend trying.

Thanks in advance!
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101 bsods are due to low vcore, 124 can be either vcore or Sa and Ioa/d voltages. Try setting the latter to 1.200. As your delidded testing with p95 will be ok temp wise.
Run your simulations for testing man. These will be the best item for testing as this is your main use for your machine.

Yes 101 is Vcore either add core, inc offset to inc Vcore or inc LLC to increase Vcore at load.
I'd rather test with prime95 because my simulation won't detect errors so even if the simulation doesn't crash there may be errors.

I'm seeing more 101 bsods than 124s at the moment, even with the increased SA/IO so I'm going to try increasing Vcore like you say. With regards to LLC, I'm already at level 9 (max).
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How old is the chip? The later batch are utterly terrible clockers as all the decent dies were cherry picked for Devils Canyon. I had to build a batch of 60 systems with 4770K and where the previous orders, before devils canyon production started, I would have 2-3 that wouldn't hit that, this time it was more like 7-10 so 10%+. Most of my systems with the 4770K went out with 32Gb but that said it was only 1600Mhz for max stability.

EDIT: BTW IIRC 4.2Ghz was the pretty much max stable, consistent overclock I could get in a production environment on the later batches.
Well if my sources are correct, then they started to pull the best dies from August 13 (Cant remember the week number) onwards so yes that looks like it will be in the poor ones.

I cant see the difference between 4.2 and 4.3 to be that much of a difference in your simulation. Drop it down to 4.2Ghz, stick all your fans on low and enjoy the tranquillity of a quiet and decent performing PC.. :)

The only other suggestions I can come up with is to change to custom water and ramp the voltage up till it is stable or it blows up :D

Or Flog it on MM and get a 4790K ;)
Sounds tempting, maybe I'll relegate the 4770k to my HTPC/transcoding machine and pick up a 4790K.

8Pack, does OcUK have any "known good overclocking" batch 4790k's in stock at the moment? Or would I have better luck ordering elsewhere as the good chips have gone to the pre-built rigs :P

I'm going to give up on 4.3 with this chip, seems like unreasonable amount of Vcore is required.
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Our overclocked bundles have good chips in yeah.

The best OEM system chips are for Infin8 or 8Pack systems as you would expect.

We don't bin any retail chips so those are all totally pot luck and I am not aware of how our current batch does at all.
Sounds tempting, maybe I'll relegate the 4770k to my HTPC/transcoding machine and pick up a 4790K.

8Pack, does OcUK have any "known good overclocking" batch 4790k's in stock at the moment? Or would I have better luck ordering elsewhere as the good chips have gone to the pre-built rigs :P

I'm going to give up on 4.3 with this chip, seems like unreasonable amount of Vcore is required.
Seems you may just have been unlucky enough to receive a later batch 4770k. Seen many users struggling to get any sort of decent oc out of theese chips as they neared eol. A 4790k will clock higher but tbh I haven't seen that many that would be classed as golden chips. The few I have seen recently on here and ocn are mainly X batch no Vietnam chips. 4790k still runs as hot as the 4770k too.
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