48 Hour Boycott

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
You may have heard about some... people, opting to boycott twitter for 48 hours in relation to a music artist making purportedly anti-semetic comments.

Whether the comments were anti-semetic or not is not what I wish to discuss.

My principal thoughts are in relation to a “48 twitter boycott”.


This is possibly one of the weakest things I’ve ever heard. Standing in solidarity against... whatever, by boycotting social media for such a pathetically short time... I just find it embarrassing. Oh, what bravery and courage is on display!!

A 48 hour twitter boycott.

I just can’t get over it. How is that a thing. What is going on. Wut.

Just me?
You call it weak but it's protesting in the truest sense of the word, I know people have been heavily conditioned by recent media coverage but "peacefully protesting" is not burning down businesses, attacking civilians/police and pulling down historical statues.
I agree it’s ‘technically’ protesting but in my mind protesting typically involves more self-sacrifice than not being a narcissist for a bone chilling 48 hours.
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