49" monitor, multiple screens

28 Jan 2011
Hey guys,

Im thinking of changing to a single 49" monitor from my 3 screen setup, and wondering about screen splitting.

Can I use software (like display fusion etc..) to allow me to game at 21:9 in the middle of the monitor and have windows, each side as apposed to just black screen bars???

Ask specifically for Escape From Tarkov so, I can game in the middle and have discord on the left side and a EFT map on the right? AS an example of the layout im after.

Thanks guys!
Not without running those games in windowed mode. Another alternative is PbP mode which is the equivalent of the display appearing as two monitor but Freesync won't work with that.

You can use Displayfusion or MS Powertoys FancyZones to split your screen into smaller sections for easier management but anything that runs in fullscreen mode will run in full screen, e.g. YouTube and games. So far I have not found any solution for this.
Best solution for me is get one of those super thin Chinese monitors ( I have a 15inch one) and have it sit under your monitor. I have mine on my desk resting up against the bottom bezel of my widescreen. I can now game whilst watching media comfortably and also have quick access to discord etc.

I am a big fan of Display Fusion but for gaming didn't work for me.
Yeah, its not a big issue TBH for games, just RFT when you need a map :D

So my elegant solution..print a hardcopy on A4 for the map ! :p
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