4GB with Athlon 64 ?

24 Jan 2006

I'm looking to increase gaming performance from a smoothness perspective. Currently my system gets hammered by constant disk access which is a little annoying so I have a few questions for the experts.

Is there much benefit in switching to 2GB (2x1) from 1GB

Do Nforce 4 boards actually support 4GB, my MSI manual states that only 3GB plus and not the 4GB will be detected but doesn't actually give any more info.

With 4GB i'm sure I could turn off the windows page file, has anyone tried this with 2GB

Would 4GB of Geil value ram and no swapfile perform better from a smoothness perspective that 2GB of high performance memory.

I'm not after the maxium overclock or highest frame rates running a demo. I'm after best real world gaming performance.

Current system
Athlon 64 Venice 3200 @ 2.5Ghz 250x10 1.30v - runs cool at this <35C load on air HTT250 HTTmulti 4x DDR divider 333
2x512GB OCZ premier @ 416 Mhz (not good ram) 2T (no option to change)
MSI Neo4- f
POV 7800GTX 256MB
80GB 7200 2MB ATA-133
Samsung 19" LCD Syncmaster 913N
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