4k 144hz Monitors - More offerings down the line?

1 Sep 2018
In recent years I have held 4k at 144hz to be the (current) holy grail in monitors for gaming. Aspects such as gsync/freesync, HDR etc. are also important, but I feel that nothing would match the combination of 4k and 144hz as features in a monitor.

At present, I am aware of a few 27" monitors at the very top end that can do this, seemingly less than half a dozen. I am ignoring anything 43" or higher on the basis that they are, in general, too large for the average consumer, or at worst, actually just a big TV. The few 27" monitors that have these specs are obviously quite expense at present, and there isn't much variety (I for one would prefer 32" as the sweet spot, particularly when sitting further back whilst using a controller to game).

I have been regularly scanning these forums for news of new 4k 144hz monitors, but there doesn't seem to be much, if any. Does anyone know if there is more such monitors in the pipeline from manufactures? I know that being able to run games at 4k 144 FPS is difficult for most games and impossible for the most demanding ones, but there are games which can do it on the right graphics cards, and games which benefit from lower settings just to hit that sweet spot. Do manufactures think there is no market for it, or is the technology just not there at the right cost level?
Acer Predator X32

Those are the kinda monitors I would be looking for, although I think a minor curve is required for such size screens when sitting close. The price tag is eye-watering! Whilst not something I could afford, it at least indicates where the market is with these panels. It is safe to say that I will continue with 1440p 144hz for a few years to come.
This site is quite good for keeping an eye on whats coming up. Very informative site too. https://www.displayninja.com/new-monitors/

I myself just received one of those V expensive 27 inch monitors this week.

Folk who just come out and say no PC will run it clearly do not understand that you can use ALL those settings offered in game under video, to get a very decent performance and image quality. People who read reviews and look at the low FPS in the 4k bench don't seem to understand that the easiest way to replicate and compare resolutions is turn everything to ultra and put blur on, max anti aliasing, post processes and so on. Many of the post processes are to help smooth out or mitigate picture quality particularly for lower resolutions. You don't need much anti aliasing - Motion Blur on with a high hz monitor is pointless as you bought a high hz monitor so you don't need blur to cover the low hz judder and associated tear from fast moving images. Anyway, enough of the people who don't know what they are on about and just repeat verbatim what they read on forums from other 'console come PC gamers' and don't understand reviews and gaming benchmarks.

Thanks for the in-depth post. Couldn't agree more on the above point.
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