4K - It's time

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
My trusty 50" plasma is on it's last legs, I've been hovering over the 4K land for a while, wondering, questioning, wishing... It's time :(

I don't want to let my plasma go, it's just so pretty!!!! But, alas! 1080p has been fun and glorious. But it's time to move on.

So, price being no factor. I have some questions:

1) I don't want to go SLI with my 980 ti. Whilst I know it CAN handle the full 4k res, I know it won't be great. Can you scale down the res to a lower resolution on a 4K monitor/TV? Or is it 4K or go away sort of stuff?

2) PC monitors, same as above, at the moment, I'm on a 24" 1080p. Now, the way my home cinema setup is, I can't upgrade one or the other. It HAS to be both, hence the hold on to my 1080p plasma for so long. Are they any good at the moment? What's the general size of a 4K monitor?

3) Those that have made the jump, is it worth it? Or should I try and hold onto my loved plasma for another year or 2?
Well, I suppose explaining my current setup first might be better.

I sit in 2 positions for gaming. At the desk with mouse and keyboard, or on the sofa with a controller.

My PC is next to my amp. I live in a flat with my TV mounted in the living room and my desk in the same room.

In the below picture, the sofa on the right is the gaming sofa, the TV on the wall and to the left, out of shot is my little PC desk. So, 1080p allows me to swap between PC monitor and plasma easily.


My PC outputs via HDMI (sound and picture) to my amp, my amp then sends the HDMI signal to a HDMI splitter. Which then splits the signal to both my plasma and monitor.

So, the source from my PC needs to be a res both the TV and monitor naively support.

At the moment, my PC monitor is a bit... Small, I'm tired of 24", going any larger means larger res. My plasa has got cap buzz pretty bad and I'm constantly having to wedge paper in between the TV mount and backplate to stop the buzz. I'll be trying to fix it long term this weekend. But, it's old.

The plasma is indeed a top spec plasma. Blacks are not really that black anymore however.

Really torn, the upgrade will be DAMN expensive. And I prefer 60fps over res... So, I'm not sure.
Because the amp only has one HDMI output.

This is a very, VERY rudimentary drawing of my setup haha.


So, red is monitor and plasma. Main black box in the middle where everything goes in and out is my amp. Green box is splitter.

Going to my amp is Blu Ray player, PC, Sky and... Forgot the last one.

I'm trying to make it simple really. I'd rather just have the option to sit at my desk or plasma with nothing more than turning one off and the other one.
You're probably gonna have to deal with upscaling from a lower resolution in a lot of the latest, more demanding games if you go 4k. Just no way around it.

Can you not output *just* audio to the amp, while having a display port cable from your PC straight to your monitor? That way you could go 4k for a monitor(or even 1440p if you wanted), while sticking with 1080p for your new TV?

At your distance, with a 50" TV, a 4k TV isn't gonna be a huge improvement over 1080p anyways. Especially not after a top tier plasma.

Problem with that is if I get a monitor with higher res than plasma, I'll have to change the res every time I decide to take my gaming to the sofa. Too much hassle.
Wow, excellent, thanks guys! 1440p monitor it is!

Is Steam really that smart? What about games running from uPlay and stuff?

How do I 'inform' games to run on one monitor and not the other?
Aces, so it's not that much that I'll be faffing around with display settings.

SOOOOOOOOOO, who fancies pointing me in the right direction of a decent 27+" IPS with 1440p?
G-Sync is mostly pointless really. As I game about 85% on my plasma... So I'd rather get a nice IPS panel than worry about GSync. In fact, I'd say it's closer to 90%.
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