4k OLED worth it?

1 Nov 2013
Just looking for a bit of advice, because I keep going round in circles-

I keep reading that now is not a great time to spend serious money on a TV- advent of HDR, relentless march of technology etc.

The thing is, I'm doing my house up and currently have a 6-7 year old Panasonic Viera plasma that has seen better days- been wall-mounted over a log burner and is starting to go a bit barmy. Plus, everything's rearranged so it would need a stand now, and I'm guessing my chances of finding one are negligible.

So the question is, do I get something cheap and cheerful for a year, or do I spend more than I really wanted to try and future-proof myself as much as I can now?

I've been looking at the LG 55EG960V, currently with free soundbar/sub from Curry's and JL- seems a good deal but I was really thinking closer to 2k- I could probably strech to it, but I'd have to have a bit of a cry afterwards :D.

Any advice would be hugely appreciated- I've been reading so much stuff I think I've gone a bit telly-blind!
Cheers, good advice I think- Like I said, it'd be a stretch to spend that much- not worth it for a couple of years' use.

If I'm getting a stop-gap TV, I guess 4k might be a bit daft/unnecessary too? If anyone could reccomend me a couple of good 1080p TVs it'd be a big help- save me going through another million reviews!

That W829 looks good, but I wouldn't mind spending another few hundred quid if it got me something significantly better- I don't want to be spending for the sake of it, but the OH and I are big film watchers, so I'd like the best I can reasonably get.

Thanks guys!
Okay, so what do people reckon as regards W829 vs. the new W805? Worth the extra?

I think if I'm going this way I'll probably keep it for a couple of years at least, until things have moved on a bit.
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