4k Res Gaming Rig Queries

1 Jun 2020
Hi all,

I'm patiently awaiting the Ampere 3080 TI with baited breath on September 17th (fingers crossed and rumour based).

That said, I have an older 1070 8gb at the moment. With an i7 quad core.

I'm looking at the AMD Ryzen 16 core, with a new mobo and cooling, plus well paired RAM.

My query is that if I was to upgrade my CPU and everything else around the 1070 whilst I wait. Will I see much of an fps improvement or should I wait still...

Whilst I also caught rumours about the new Ryzen 4000 series potentially releasing in Oct, but they seem to be less watt dependent and so higher clocks, with no real thread gains.

I have the ROG 4k 144hz monitor, but its useless (30 fps, at best) until I have more CPU and GPU power.

Appreciate the advice. Silky 4k frames being the main objective. If not the 144 hz, the closest I can get to it.

@Sparx - I have an I7 4790K @ 4.00 GHz (Quad) bought it back in 2014.

@Quartz - Of course why didn't I think to reduce setting! To busy looking at hardware! I actually dropped the Res in-game to 2560x1440 (Whilst stretched) It's more viable with mid-high settings and 60 FPS currently.

@Psycho Sonny - CPU seems to sit at around 50% when game running, but not playing/pushing it. I've had it since 2014 though, and 6 years on seems like its worth upgrading? Or does multi-core really not make gaming that much better?
@Psycho Sonny From what I can see the CPU is not bottlenecked. Idle, with no real gaming load its 50% utilisation.

Guess I just need to be patient for the 3000 series :(

Heck by saving £1.5K on new mobo, CPU, RAM, cooling, I could be looking at dual 3080's come September. Now that's a happy thought!
@Sparx As see that's what I feared. From a longevity perspective is it not worth the other component upgrades now to settle the rig in and gain a little boost whilst I wait?

I have my eye on:
CPU/MOBO/RAM (but on yours and Psycho's comment I may knock that down to lower cores and RAM) - https://www.overclockers.co.uk/8-pa...ro-corsair-64gb-3600mhz-bundle-bu-01v-am.html
Already have a 1000w PSU & will need a new AIO for sure, unfortunately, my case only has 1x120mm slot on top atm.

I struggle to understand SSD comparisons.

I have a "Seagate SSHD 7200RPM 3.5" 1TB SATA 6Gbs 64MB Cache - OEM (ST1000DX001) SSHD Hybrid Drive" - But it does seem to stutter sometime. Is that worth upgrading?
About to hit checkout @Sparx

I did *upgrade to the 12 Core Ryzen just to add a little more longevity and potential Ampere support (if it surprises us).

Flipped the Phanteks case for the P500, so essentially the same but in black.

Will hold onto the 1000w PSU for the time being, buts its easily replaceable come September if I feel the need with the GPU.

I noticed you have OC'd your 2070 S. Is that something I should consider on my 1070 at the moment. Not sure how much I could squeeze out of it?

Thanks again,
Yeeeeeah the 9 3900xt 4.7GHz.

Completely forgot... I'm going to need a new OS license aren't I for the NVME/SSD?

Or if I keep the hybrid in the new rig, I can just xfer the gaming folders out the the SSD and away I go?
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