4k tv with older reciever

16 Feb 2004

Just checking compatibility with my current equipment. If I go for a newer 4k tv like the panny TX-50CX802B or TX-50CX680B can I feed content to the TV then on to my older receiver and still have 5.1 sound?

mac mini for kodi
denon 2310 receiver with hdmi v1.3
panny TH-42PX80

Currently everything routes through the Denon first before going on to the TV but I guess it can't do any newer formats as it's pretty old now. Sounds fine though so if I can keep using it for just sound processing that would be good.
I have Panasonic last years 802B and a Yamaha vsx1073 which only does 4k at 30hz. So I plug my 4k source directly into the tv on hdmi 4 (the 4k input) and then plug the amp into the audio return channel on hdmi2 and set ARC to hdmi2 on both the tv and the amp menus. Sound comes out the amp and 4k/60hz comes out the tv. I have a second 4k source too though so I have to keep unplugging and swapping. 3rd source for xmas in the NVidia shield box I hope.

Wish there was an hdmi switcher for people with only one 4k/60 hdmi port.
looks like ARC is a HDMI 1.4 feature and not supported on the denon 2310.

Maybe I'd have to keep my current 1080p devices connected to the denon and connect the TV audio via optical back to the denon as well.
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