4th generation iPhone - Foxconn security search leads to worker suicide

1 Oct 2006

A young Chinese worker suspected of stealing a prototype for the fourth generation iPhone has committed suicide.

Sun's former classmates have told Chinese newspapers that during that investigation he was beaten, his house was searched and he was locked up in a room alone.

They say he described the experience in an online chat with them as one of the most humiliating experiences of his life.

Foxconn says it has suspended its chief of security.

Ah China, the hub of manufacturing, rationality and measured force. :(
Just read more; so you mean literally pushed? Wow.
Subterfuge assination?
"The Central Security Office at Foxconn began an investigation into the incident under pressure from Apple to ensure there was no leak of Apple’s trade secrets." Hmm, hmmm.
So they never recovered the phone either?
How much would Nokia of paid for one of those prototypes?
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All very fishy, but Apple are so big they have their pick of OEMs, it's a sad tragedy that somebody died over an iPhone, I'm hoping there will be a serious investigation into this one, Apple need to take responsibility over their OEMs after this and the battery scandals!
He didn't die over iPhone, he committed suicide over his alleged participation in industrial espionage. Stuff like this never ends well. Especially when its a contract worth billions for something like iphone. I'm glad, however to see Chinese finally reached finesse in their ways and "suicide" their spies, instead of disappearing them together with immediate blood relatives and all records of their existance. ;)
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