"4X strategy" game

17 Aug 2005
This is going to be a silly question, but what does "4X strategy" mean.
It was used in describing Galactic Civilizations II (which looks like a good game btw).

Mostly play real time strategy, some turn based strategy & FPS.
Never come accross this term before.
I used to be completely addicted to Stars! and Ascendancy, the best space empire games ever IMO and way better than Master Of Orion or any other!

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri had me totally hooked too as far as ground-based ones go.
Stelly said:
Is this Galactic Civilizations 2 any good though??


Its alright, I think there is a demo.

I am looking forward to the game which looks like the *******-child of Homeworld 2 and Galactic Civs 2.

Sins of a stolen empire or somthing or other.
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