5.1 Package - Old or New?

6 Jan 2007
I have been looking for some time at getting a 5.1 speaker package. After doing a lot of reading and a little bit of listening, I had planned to get:

  • Dali Zensor 1 5.1 package
  • Yamaha RX-V677 AV receiver

I believe the above can be had for £1,079 with cabling included (if everything is still in stock) and then I would just need to buy some stands on top of that.

However, a relative has offered me two B&W DM602 S2 speakers with stands and a Technics SU-A700 Mk3 amp essentially for free.

As a result, I am wondering whether to take the speakers, replace the amp with a newer AV receiver and then build it out into 5.1 system. The only issue is that I know very little about B&W kit and looking around it seems it would still be relatively expensive to buy decent centre and rear B&W speakers and a sub.

I would be grateful for any advice anyone might be able to offer regarding my quandary or if anyone has experience with similar B&W kit.

Many thanks.
Thanks for the advice.

I am very reluctant to turn down the free kit but the offer has somewhat thrown me (in a good way) as I had been planning on the Dalis for quite a while and had spent ages trying to find a good deal on them.

I am in a flat at the moment so I cannot turn the volume up that much and space is currently limited but I am hoping in the nearish future to find somewhere bigger. Therefore at present the Dalis might potentially suit me better and I always thought that if I moved elsewhere I could always add to the package with some Dali Zensor 3s or 5s.

I guess part of the problem is that I am not sure how decent the 602s are compared to the Dalis (although I have seen a few good reviews) and I am unlikely to have the opportunity to listen to both in the same environment.

In addition it seems to be quite difficult to find a reasonable B&W centre to match the 602s and building up a 5.1 package from the B&W kit seems quite expensive as I probably will have to buy everything separately (rather than getting the benefit of a discounted package such as the Dali/Yamaha combo I have been looking at).

I guess the point I am reaching is that if the 602s are more capable than the Dalis and I can identify a good (and affordable) model of B&W centre speaker that will match them, I might well try going the B&W route instead and then I can build up the 5.1 package bit-by-bit.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a centre speaker please?
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