5.1 speaker and headphones amp for easy switching

23 Aug 2005
I would like some advice on amp. I have some nice headphones already (SR-80s), but I'm thinking about replacing my OLD 'hi-fi' for a cheap-but-decent amp to control headphones (gaming) and 5.1 speakers (movies in armchair :)). Something like SpeedLink Medusa SL-8796 5.1 Home Edition, but without the 5.1 headphones. Does such a thing exist?

Thankyou kindly :)
ok will do ta. Not yet no, that was going to be a 2nd thread, but I was thinking a satellite version of Logitech G51 5.1.
ok, so as I understand it I need something like Yamaha - RX-V361 Audio Video Amplifier Tuner ~£135. Connected via digital coax? And my headphones and 5.1 speakers can connect to there? Which is the cheapest way you mentioned? :)
what would i need seperates for though? i don't need cd player, i've got my pc. Would I need an amp? If so how would I power rear speakers? and front speaker?
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