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5 Year CPU Upgrade Benchmark Result: A8 APU to Ryzen 2600x

11 Mar 2016
Evening all,

Thought I'd share a simple comparison for you showing the difference in performance I got when upgrading from 2013's A8 APU to 2018's R5 2600x. This is what you get when skipping forward 5 years!

A8 6600k = avg. FPS: 73.8 (Score:3089)
R5 2600x = avg. FPS: 93.3 (Score:3903)

A 20 fps increase!
Now then, is this solely due to the APU bottlenecking the 970, or something else like doubling the RAM in this new rig?

Used Unigine Valley benchmark test at 1080p Ultra quality with AAx2 on both rigs.
Old rig: A8 6600k APU @ 4400MHz (OC'd) + 8GB DDR3 @ 1800MHz with a GTX 970 (overclocked +145MHz core +400 mem)
New rig: Ryzen 2600x + 16GB DDR4 @ 3000MHz with the same GTX 970 (overclocked +145MHz core +400 mem)
22 Oct 2004
That's massive.
I've never had a big increase like that as I upgrade every 2 years. But with me saving for a wedding and house I could be upgrading in 5 years time haha.

Are you gonna upgrade your 970?
17 Dec 2004
Thats why I try to wait untill hardware gets unusable, because if you dont its a bit like setting fire to your money, you hardly see much of a difference. I have just upgraded from a i7 [email protected] to a i7 [email protected] and I have seen very little difference as all my games that I play ran smooth before and very little difference in windows performance.

I guess my r9 290 is holding the cpu back hugely,, but still, why change if games run smoothly anyway, you'll only notice the difference from benchmarking... But I can say the same for the cpu upgrade, that was a daft thing todo, but hey it should last donkies, that's if I don't do the same daft upgrade again...... Its nice having new toys though
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