50" TV recommendations

7 Oct 2003
I want a new TV and bit confused with all that's out there. I want a 50" that's good for sky / Xbox one / DVDs and bluray. Budget is £600-800. Quit like the Sony Bravia but so many to choose from.
Any thoughts.
I would go with Sony for the Android TV.

Read nothing but problems with android on sony TVs. Have a look at the Panasonic 50cx802b just got this and it is worth every penny. I originally only wanted to spend about £800 on a Tv then I compared those in that price range with the panny and I tell you it worth paying the extra.
Read nothing but problems with android on sony TVs. Have a look at the Panasonic 50cx802b just got this and it is worth every penny. I originally only wanted to spend about £800 on a Tv then I compared those in that price range with the panny and I tell you it worth paying the extra.

Do you have banding when watching things like sports? I'm on my third TV and all have had different levels of banding which make the picture awful.
Read nothing but problems with android on sony TVs. Have a look at the Panasonic 50cx802b just got this and it is worth every penny. I originally only wanted to spend about £800 on a Tv then I compared those in that price range with the panny and I tell you it worth paying the extra.

No problems here with Android TV. This on a 65X85.
No problems here with Android TV. This on a 65X85.

I think he stopped reading a while back. I;m sure all those early issues are sorted. I've defo not had any issues.

I have had banding and purple snake issues with panasonic's though. Which is annoying as I used to own a Panasonic repair centre and have spent most of my life recommending them.
My main plasma is a Panasonic, and that is where I wanted to put my money when I bought a new 42" for the bedroom last year.

In the end, all the issues with Panny screens and there was some apps missing from the panny selection that I wanted. So I went with Sony.

The picture isn't as good as my Panny plasma (obviously) but it does the job ok for the bedroom. However, it doesn't have all the On Demand apps either (no itv or 4od). Booooooo.

I'd probably have a look at the Sony Android though if they can fix any issues. I would also generally avoid 4k this year. There is little point in paying the premium for it just now until it all settles down.
Android TV is alright, I wouldn't let it weigh-in to your decision too much though, it's really not as useful or polished as you'd think it'd be. It's just another glorified app-launching interface with nothing to really set itself apart from the competition.

Sony's implementation is rubbish too, so you end up with legacy Sony interface menus appearing over the top of the Android interface because the two are trying to run side-by-side.
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