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5080 Issues

15 Dec 2003
Wonder if anyone could help.
I installed my 5080 yesterday and I have some isssues that I could do with some help sorting.
First the PC now won't shut down, it just gets stuck with the keyboard, mouse and screens off but the RGB and fans going (The fans get faster and louder)
Second all three monitors are working fine but if I plug in the HDMI for the TV and the TV isn't on the monitors turn on an off in a random pattern, sometimes one goes off, sometimes two and sometimes all three. They quickly come back on again but the only solution is to unplug the HDMI cable from the PC or turn the TV on as this then works fine.
And lastly if I run the auto tune it gets stuck with a cap of 1920mhz and won't go over it. I only noticed this when I saw my 3D mark score was 2000 below average for this GPU and then after resetting the auto tune trying to sort the above issues I found it working properly and I had a much higher score and gained over 20FPS!!!!

Is all this related or am I looking at three seprate issues? I'm tempted to just reinstall windows as I haven't done it in years, had an AMD card before and have everything backed up to the cloud anyway.
1) Did you use DDU to uninstall the AMD driver? If not, consider uninstalling (all) GPU drivers again.
2) Bios of motherboard may not like the RTX 5080, consider updating the bios, so it talks nicely to the new shiny GPU.
3) You do not mention what your power supply. If you have an old power supply or a PSU below say 550 watts, that may also be an issue.
4) HDMI issue, you should swap to another HDMI cable. Suggest HDMI 2.1 cable. A quality one. Also swap HDMI slot on GPU.
5) Check event viewer in Windows, see if that is reporting issues?

When I get a new GPU I stress test it, I use Furmark. If you get artefacts on the test, you may have a faulty GPU core, or GPU VRAM. Then RMA it asap.
Hi I've got a brand new 850W Corsair RMx PSU as my 650W would be cutting it fine.
I didn't uninstall the drive first as I was planning on taking the old card out and then uninstalling the driver but I forgot that the AMD CPU doesn't have ingrates graphics (I've been messing about with Intel machines and lot lately). However this started as soon as I unistalled the AMD drivers (not sure what would have happened if I'd rebooted before that though.
I've used DDU in safe mode to uninstall both AMD and Nvidea drivers now but the PC is still freezing on reboot.
Bios was updated a few months ago and is still on the latest version when I check the product page.
I've not found anything in the event viewer just the critical error when I have to hard reset it everytime.
It reboots fine in safe mode and also in normal mode if I quickly restart it in the first few seconds of logging in which makes me feel theres a faulty service/driver but I can't for the life of me work out what.
Yes I only plugged one monitor in at first and it did the same thing.
I'll check the chipset drivers, good call
I'll reseat the GPU tomorrow if all else fails (I tried to take it out but the things so big I can't push the release tab on the PCIE slot!!!
So I went nuclear in the end. Was wasting too much time mucking about.
So far so good, it's rebooting fine and I'm rebooting after everything I install for a second in case something specific tripped it up but it's sorted now
Reinstalled windows. I hadn't done it in years. It only takes 15mins and all my files are either backed up to one drive or on my Unraid server so it's just a case of reinstalling some drivers, apps and games. So far so good.

Glad it worked.
I used to re-install windows every year but I've missed the last 2... Another thing to add to the list :o
Glad it worked.
I used to re-install windows every year but I've missed the last 2... Another thing to add to the list :o
I don't feel the need to so much these days as Windows is so much more stable.
That said everything is feeling so much more responsive now. Maybe I should still do it now and then.
Ok quick update mainly to help if anyone has the same problem. Last night the issue came back!!!!
Luckily I was half expecting it and spent half the day painstakingly installing one thing at a time and hitting restart to see what would happen.
All was fine until the very last thing I installed which was SignalRGB. Once that was installed I was back to being stuck again, restarted twice and it locked up on shutdown twice, uninstalled it and restarted again...and it still locked up. However I then went to shut it down and all is well again.
This is such an odd problem as SignalRGB was already installed and it never caused an issue with my old GPU, but then my old GPU wasn't anywhere near as buggy as this thing. It feels like Bethesda must have made it as there is so many bugs and glitches which I'm now seeing others having too (example the clock issues above has been covered by a youtuber now).
This is such an odd problem as SignalRGB was already installed and it never caused an issue with my old GPU, but then my old GPU wasn't anywhere near as buggy as this thing. It feels like Bethesda must have made it as there is so many bugs and glitches which I'm now seeing others having too (example the clock issues above has been covered by a youtuber now).

But its a new GPU!
They can be like this. You are a first adopter. The problems will be sorted in time.

I don't think the monitor blanking is a problem.

When you change the power status, plug or unplug monitors, then Windows re-organises the Desktop and this causes monitors to go blank just as you describe. This is normal. It is different for monitors connected using DP and HDMI (I can't remember how, I just remember it is). And to make matters worse, Windows can see some monitors even when they are supposedly off but actually in standby. Windows can also start to get very confused if you add monitors by plugging them in and then switch them off or put them in standby. I have power switches on my monitors so I can physicaly disconnect them from power, to stop Windows getting confused, but even so there is always "blanking" when Windows re-organises the Desktop.
One of the best troubleshooting steps to take is a “clean boot” (not to be confused with safe mode). Use task manager boot tab to disable all 3rd party apps from loading and do a reboot. There’s also an option to hide essential MS services, so you don’t disable something vital.

If your PC works OK after rebooting with all these apps disabled, start turning them on each boot to find the culprit. Much better and easier than doing a full Windows install.

I have never in 30 plus years of building PCs and working in IT had a vendor driver problem swapping AMD to Nvidia, or vice versa. I don’t even remove the drivers in some cases before swapping and in many cases when swapping between GPUs for testing, I just leave both sets of vendors drivers installed.

The biggest problem is almost always down to a 3rd party app like in the OPs case, or my personal favourite… MSI afterburner (or equivalent). In fact this tends to be the biggest cause of “my Nvidia card just worked and when I changed to AMD it broke my PC”.

When swapping GPU (not just vendor) Make sure to uninstall or disable ALL 3rd party startup applications PRIOR to the physical changing. These applications that have custom profiles for a particular GPU model that they try to force to the new GPU. This is by far the biggest cause of “but my old GPU just worked”.
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I would not auto tune it before you even get it working at defaults

ICDP is right every single graphics card issue I have had has been down to either programs running or windows being muddled if you have a spare drive do a second windows instal to test
But its a new GPU!
They can be like this. You are a first adopter. The problems will be sorted in time.

I don't think the monitor blanking is a problem.

When you change the power status, plug or unplug monitors, then Windows re-organises the Desktop and this causes monitors to go blank just as you describe. This is normal. It is different for monitors connected using DP and HDMI (I can't remember how, I just remember it is). And to make matters worse, Windows can see some monitors even when they are supposedly off but actually in standby. Windows can also start to get very confused if you add monitors by plugging them in and then switch them off or put them in standby. I have power switches on my monitors so I can physicaly disconnect them from power, to stop Windows getting confused, but even so there is always "blanking" when Windows re-organises the Desktop.
I know just the one that made the whole PC freeze on shutdown kinda worried me and along with all the other glitches and bugs I was thinking tje card was faulty. Yes it's under warranty but I'd imagine it would have been very hard to make them source a replacement there and then. If anything I'm glad it just turned out to be a software issue.

I know what you mean about the monitors blanking out when one screen turns on or off, but this is constantly doing it, every few seconds or so a screen or two go off tjen come back on. My old 5700xt would do it once if unplugged one of the monitors not when I turned the TV off, these are all the same leads as before and I never had this issue on my 5700XT. I'd try another lead but it took me three attempts to find a working 10MTR HDMI lead last time.
One of the best troubleshooting steps to take is a “clean boot” (not to be confused with safe mode). Use task manager boot tab to disable all 3rd party apps from loading and do a reboot. There’s also an option to hide essential MS services, so you don’t disable something vital.

If your PC works OK after rebooting with all these apps disabled, start turning them on each boot to find the culprit. Much better and easier than doing a full Windows install.

I have never in 30 plus years of building PCs and working in IT had a vendor driver problem swapping AMD to Nvidia, or vice versa. I don’t even remove the drivers in some cases before swapping and in many cases when swapping between GPUs for testing, I just leave both sets of vendors drivers installed.

The biggest problem is almost always down to a 3rd party app like in the OPs case, or my personal favourite… MSI afterburner (or equivalent). In fact this tends to be the biggest cause of “my Nvidia card just worked and when I changed to AMD it broke my PC”.

When swapping GPU (not just vendor) Make sure to uninstall or disable ALL 3rd party startup applications PRIOR to the physical changing. These applications that have custom profiles for a particular GPU model that they try to force to the new GPU. This is by far the biggest cause of “but my old GPU just worked”.
Good advice and I did think about it but to be honest given it takes minutes to reinstall windows and there was so many bugs I thought it would just be faster to start again, although I guess I did end up doing this in reverse in the end and found the culprit eventually.
Good advice and I did think about it but to be honest given it takes minutes to reinstall windows and there was so many bugs I thought it would just be faster to start again, although I guess I did end up doing this in reverse in the end and found the culprit eventually.

What you did to fix it is perfectly valid for most gamers. Windows is so quick to install now and download speeds can make game reinstalls trivial.

Kudos for the excellent troubleshooting and posting what the problem was in the end. Many would have simply found a way to blame AMD drivers :)
I know just the one that made the whole PC freeze on shutdown kinda worried me and along with all the other glitches and bugs I was thinking tje card was faulty. Yes it's under warranty but I'd imagine it would have been very hard to make them source a replacement there and then. If anything I'm glad it just turned out to be a software issue.

I know what you mean about the monitors blanking out when one screen turns on or off, but this is constantly doing it, every few seconds or so a screen or two go off tjen come back on. My old 5700xt would do it once if unplugged one of the monitors not when I turned the TV off, these are all the same leads as before and I never had this issue on my 5700XT. I'd try another lead but it took me three attempts to find a working 10MTR HDMI lead last time.

Are you sure it's not the cables? Digital cables just blank the monitor for a few seconds when you exceed the bandwidth. You can tell this by reducing the refresh rate, you should get fewer problems.
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