50Klicks Servers

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30 Mar 2004
Well after reading good stuff about 50Klicks on these forums I headed over to one of their BF2 servers to see how good things are (I normally play on OBC Servers). All I can say is what a bunch of uselesss t**sers. Their admin are useless, they are more happy to gank spawns in their choppers than deal with idiots. Obvious hackers on their servers, sniping players on carriers from the mainland are acceptable it seems, 50K choppers raping non-caps is fine, reply with arty on their non-cap and insta-kick. This clan are so far up their own backsides they should all be proctologists.
Oh and this wasnt one session, I have played on their servers nightly for 2 weeks to see if anything improved and sadly it got worse. I would not recommend anyone to play on 50Klick servers, if youwant fun and a challange try the OBC servers instead
Gotta disagree with you there - whenever I'm on the 50k server, it's normally with FosterKevin, and I find everything to be smooth. Well admined, lot of team work.

Musashi said:
Well after reading good stuff about 50Klicks on these forums I headed over to one of their BF2 servers to see how good things are (I normally play on OBC Servers). All I can say is what a bunch of uselesss t**sers. Their admin are useless, they are more happy to gank spawns in their choppers than deal with idiots. Obvious hackers on their servers, sniping players on carriers from the mainland are acceptable it seems, 50K choppers raping non-caps is fine, reply with arty on their non-cap and insta-kick. This clan are so far up their own backsides they should all be proctologists.
Oh and this wasnt one session, I have played on their servers nightly for 2 weeks to see if anything improved and sadly it got worse. I would not recommend anyone to play on 50Klick servers, if youwant fun and a challange try the OBC servers instead

No 50k members attack uncaps with Helos. They would be dealt with far more severly than any Joe Public i can tell you that for free.

Hackers you get everywhere. I personally spend a couple of hours a week at least reviewing punkbuster screenshots from our servers (to spot hackers) Did it ever occur to you that because of the fact 50K like their teamwork and have lots of good players that the standard of play may be higher than other servers? Did you get completely pwned by any chance?

If you report a player for breaking the rules they will be dealt with. If you dont, what the hell do u expect to happen? Some kind of magical script detect you have been wronged and kick the perpetrator? Get real, we can only admin what we can see, and what is reported to us. If you dont report it and we dont see it what the hell do you expect?

Personally i think your sumthing to do with OBC and this is a poor attempt to pimp. We have may happy regulars who keep on coming back, ironically for the opposite reasons of pretty much everything youve listed.

50K is not clan. It is a community (much like these forums) If you dont like our servers, dont play them, i doubt youll be missed
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Deliverance said:
No 50k members attack uncaps with Helos. They would be dealt with far more severly than any Joe Public i can tell you that for free.

Hackers you get everywhere. I personally spend a couple of hours a week at least reviewing punkbuster screenshots from our servers (to spot hackers) Did it ever occur to you that because of the fact 50K like their teamwork and have lots of good players that the standard of play may be higher than other servers? Did you get completely pwned by any chance?

If you report a player for breaking the rules they will be dealt with. If you dont, what the hell do u expect to happen? Some kind of magical script detect you have been wronged and kick the perpetrator? Get real, we can only admin what we can see, and what is reported to us. If you dont report it and we dont see it what the hell do you expect?

Personally i think your sumthing to do with OBC and this is a poor attempt to pimp. We have may happy regulars who keep on coming back, ironically for the opposite reasons of pretty much everything youve listed.

50K is not clan. It is a community (much like these forums) If you dont like our servers, dont play them, i doubt youll be missed

Well said that man! Couldn't agree more.
i play on the 50K servers and find most of them a really nice bunch of blokes

doesnt half annoy me that the admins will wave the ban stick at any1 that attacks a red circle spawn

but should only one spawn be left, and it not be a red one. Its all fine and dandy to not even attempt to take the flag, but sit back and spawn rape with the linebacker / artillery / bombers racking up kills but not even attempt to take the flag.

If they were attacking the flag, this would be understandable. But spawn raping is allowed when the base isnt red, and it stinks

fortunately it doesnt happen very often, but i tend to leave when it does.

this is my only gripe however, apart from that, they're usually a great server to play on.
MrLOL said:
But spawn raping is allowed when the base isnt red, and it stinks

You may find it surprising in that case to find that admins of ranked servers CANT (under EA's own RoE, or Rules for running Ranked Servers) actually kick people for what a lot of people refer to as 'spawn killing' (ie killing someone repeatedly at the same spawn point) We can kick people for attacking uncaps, as the RoE allows us to do this, but we cannot (as far as im aware) kick people for attacking a cappable spawn point. If we did, and were reported for doing so we could loose our ranked server status (which effectively flushes 2.5 grand a year down the swanny)

I, and everyone else hates spawn raping as much as the next man, but like u say, it doesnt happen all that often, and if we are abiding by the RoE we couldnt do anything about it anyway.

a lot of servers specify no spawn raping rules (on capable spawns), but every single one of them is breaking their usage terms.
actually on that point your wrong

i refer you to said ROE



These are rules that all administrators and players using ranked servers are expected to observe and are set by EA, BF2RS under the EULA/TOS/RSA/ROE.

§1.1 You may not arrange for the exchange or transfer of any pirated software or other contraband while you are on any Ranked Servers.
§ This would include the copy and distribution of copyrighted software or cd-keys
§1.2 You may not market, promote or advertise anything, or make any other form of solicitation (this does not apply to trusted partners and in game server messages) on any ranked servers.
§ Trusted Partners and Advertisers are excluded from this ruling.
§1.3 You may not change (hack) any core games files, load into memory or employ external programs or cheats for the purposes of giving yourself an unfair advantage over other players.

This would include but not limited to:
§ MSX and other 3rd party software.
§ Modification of weapons code, aka Tank turrets exploit.
§ CVAR hacks which would make players appear Neon
§ CVAR hacks that let players see thru walls or buildings
§ Mini-Map hack so all players are visible
§ Modification of Player Names which would alter their size or colors.
§ Items not included in this list would be up to EA & DICE to interpret.
§1.4 Server administrators may not change any game settings defined as standard for ranked servers (ticket ratios, server password, round time, etc.)

§1.5 Server administrators may not explicitly or implicitly (by actions) enforce restrictions on vehicles or weapons that players can use while on your server (e.g. knives only, aircraft prohibited except for clan members, etc.)
§ Infantry only Servers
§ Kicking Players who use vehicles or aircraft
§ Limiting certain vehicles or aircraft for non clan members
§1.6 Server administrators may not explicitly or implicitly (by actions) enforce restrictions on roles or kits that players can use while on your server.

This would include but not limited to:
§ Spec Ops
§ Squad Leader
§ Note.. Commander class can not be enforced due to the § 2.3 rule change
§1.7 Server administrators may not use non-standard (custom map packs) maps or modified versions of standard maps.

says nothing there about you not being able to ban players for spawn camping

it does say you cant force players to use (or not use) certain kits / vehicles weapons / classes

So it bans the use of infantry only servers / knife & pistol only servers / no helicopter / jets servers etc..

but makes no restrictions on spawn camping.
MrLOL said:
actually on that point your wrong

i refer you to said ROE


says nothing there about you not being able to ban players for spawn camping

it does say you cant force players to use (or not use) certain kits / vehicles weapons / classes

So it bans the use of infantry only servers / knife & pistol only servers / no helicopter / jets servers etc..

but makes no restrictions on spawn camping.

Thats not the whole RoE, and if i recall correctly we had this point clarified by IndianScout, formerly of bf2rankedservers.com now at bf2roe.com (he is a member of our forum)
in which case EA and can kiss my bee hind

because their site links to that page


it directs you to


and the only RoE mention on that link is the one i just quoted from

EA cannot enforce rules if they do not state what they are.

edit, whilst googling i found this


a post by indian scout himself on BF2 ROE

again no mention is made of you not being allowed to kick players for what you consider to be disruptive behaviour (spawn camping)

also see this bit


These are rules that are not enforced upon in EA’s public ranked servers but may be modified in privately rented ranked servers. These rules are decided by clan administrators for those servers and as long as they do not contradict any global rules enforced by EA are considered valid for those servers.

it says i can enforce any rule as a server admin i want, providing it doesnt contract the globally enforced rules. And those rules are above that quote, again no mention of not being able to kick people for spawn camping.
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Disccusing the finer points of the RoE is all kind of irrelevant anyway (but to indulge, the point was you a restricting a persons actions on a map by not allowing them to kill somone at a spawn point, Yes its rather ambigious, but a lot of the RoE is unfortunately. Its fairly obvious his post is a pimp for OBC (whoever they are)
Got kicked and a few day ban because i shot down a plane flying fairly low, whoever was flying it basicaly slammed into the ground and killed a few of the 50k kids. Because i was the last to shoot the plane it showed as me killing them and i got kicked for spawn killing.

Oddly enough though it wa perfectly fine for the 50k commander on our side to lay artillery on their spawn, how strange. :rolleyes:
Deliverance said:
Disccusing the finer points of the RoE is all kind of irrelevant anyway (but to indulge, the point was you a restricting a persons actions on a map by not allowing them to kill somone at a spawn point, Yes its rather ambigious, but a lot of the RoE is unfortunately. Its fairly obvious his post is a pimp for OBC (whoever they are)

where does it say your not allowed to restrict a persons actions on a map

the BF2 ROE states this


These are rules that are not enforced upon in EA’s public ranked servers but may be modified in privately rented ranked servers. These rules are decided by clan administrators for those servers and as long as they do not contradict any global rules enforced by EA are considered valid for those servers.

This would include but not limited to:
§ Artillery fire or bombing runs on main (uncapturable) bases may be prohibited.
§ Prolonged or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).
§ Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).
§ Impersonating clan members.
§ Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles.
§ Clans may change or customise rules, provided they don’t violate the above ROE rules.
See you on the battlefield

top one explicitly states you can enforce no artillery on uncapturable bases if you so which

2nd one explicitly states you can enforce no spawn camping

so IT IS NOT forbidden at all.

see http://www.bfroe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=171 for where the quote came from.


opps, its in my original link as well. ( http://www.bf2rankedservers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=251 )

missed that first time round !
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MrLOL said:
2nd one explicitly states you can enforce no spawn camping

Note the word uncapturable

ROE said:
§ Prolonged or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).

Whether its against the RoE or not is a secondary issue to the fact that you simply cannot police such a rule.

What is to stop person A shouting 'spawn raper' because person B killed them as they appeared in front of them as they were running through an alley, say the Hotel flag on Karkand. Its a question of how enforcable a rule is as well, if you cant enforce a rule then it is nigh on useless. You would get people shouting spawn rape because they got killed a couple of times a few seconds after theyve spawned, even if it was by accident.
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Deliverance said:
Note the word uncapturable

Whether its against the RoE or not is a secondary issue to the fact that you simply cannot police such a rule.

What is to stop person A shouting 'spawn raper' because person B killed them as they appeared in front of them as they were running through an alley, say the Hotel flag on Karkand. Its a question of how enforcable a rule is as well, if you cant enforce a rule then it is nigh on useless. You would get people shouting spawn rape because they got killed a couple of times a few seconds after theyve spawned, even if it was by accident.

that is why you have admins. To sort the whingers from those that have been abused

by my point still stands. EA make no such blanket rules as "you cant tell a player what he can or cant use to kill some"

when the above quote explicitly states you can forbid players to use C4d Car bombs. If you can do that without breaking the ROE, you can ban some1 for what you consider to be spawn killing.
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