5120 x 2160 , dp 2.0 , 144hz+. Anything on the horizon?

16 Oct 2012
I've been waiting years for someone to create a monitor at this spec, even though dp 2.0 is finally released I haven't seen anything.
Prefer oled but a good IPS would be ok.

If anyone has seen something announced I'd appreciate if you would share the information.
Assuming you mean in a 21:9 aspect ratio, you and me both as this is my perfect screen.

The only thing I've seen recently is this: https://tftcentral.co.uk/news/boe-latest-panel-development-plans-may-2023

Which mentions:

A new one not listed last time, 39.7″ ultrawide with 5120 x 2160 (WUHD) resolution, we believe a flat format, 144Hz refresh rate and HDR 1400 support. This has 2040 dimming zones and 8160 LED’s and is scheduled for mass production from Q3 2023.
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