512e or AF disks in ESXi - Do they work?

18 Oct 2002
Can anyone advise of any problems running advanced format SATA disks with VMWare 4.1 or 5.0?

I am looking to install a number of disks into an ESXi host and use additional extents to combine them together into a single VMFS datastore.

I would like to have a datastore for running VM's from and then a secondary store to host all of my media files to be accessed from the VM's and other devices across the network through the windows shares inside one of the VM's.

ESXi 5.0 has lifted the limit on LUN size and it appears that with the new single block size under VMFS 5.0 it should be possible to span up to a 64TB datastore.

The box needs to be able to support a few VM's as I have to setup some MS labs to work on my MCITP's and therefore running a single storage server like unRAID is not really possible. I would like to avoid a second server in the house if I can so the large 2TB disks would get around this if they work!

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