55-60" Silver Framed TV? Any advise...

7 Feb 2004
As above, not to hot on latest tech.

Use it for Sky, PS4, playing films on USB (Obviously backups of originals) not interested in 3D but don't mind if it has it.

What should I be looking for?

Ideally £500-1000 (Cheaper the better ;))

I recall a while ago (Summer last year) going into Richer Sounds and they had some great looking sliver bezel Panasonics that looked great. That said you cant go wrong with the Sony. I have the one with the black bezel and its fantastic.

Silver model is widely available for about 800 quid. Bear in mind there are the 2015 models coming soon.

Had a look in the shop and looked very nice. I'm not worried to much about next years models unless these drop drastically in price. I always get a year back in tech as I find it to be more value.

Ordering online at a different shop gives same price but five year guarantee. So online it will be unless you can say prices will drop in two weeks?
The Sonys have probably dropped as much as they are going to in the next few months. They'll probably drop a bit more towards the end of the year but i doubt it will be by much, they've already dropped to low/mid budget prices for 50/55".
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