Me and a few friends all have 5800x's and all seem to run a tad hot. I've instructed them to set a negative PBO of whatever they can get stable, for them they use -20. I use -30. I originally had a 1.22v all core OC to 4.6Ghz and temps where great but seeing a few reddit threads on all core OC'ing and static voltage on Ryzen 5000 series I thought it was best to just use the PBO to reduce voltage and therefore temps. Haven't noticed any difference in temps, mine seems to spike to 1.35v compared to stock which is 1.475 or something absurd.
As above, try the PBO with a negative offset until you find whatever is stable for your CPU. I think I might be lucky in reaching -30 but who knows. I now idle at 35-38, Corsair 280x case with a CM 240mm AIO. Hopefully get a new 280mm AIO or do a small custom loop once I'm able to get a GPU.