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5820k bundle vs 6700k bundle Value for money

3 Nov 2014
Newcastle, England
I am looking at these 2 bundles:

I already have 16gb Avexir Ram at 2400mhz so that isnt an issue.
I have a budget of about £500
Also looking at getting an AC wireless card due to me having the stupidly quick Virgin Media Superhub2 AC one, and my broadband being 200mbps and my current one not even getting 50mbps...

Anyways, I will be gaming, general web browsing, MIGHT start rendering videos/streaming (I know the 5820k destroys this) but that is probably a 1% chance.

Recommend me, or if there is something i have missed feel free to tell me!

Cheers lads!
I'd personally recommend the 6700k for your use, along with a nice Z170 motherboard with built in AC wireless.

Most will recommend you the 5820k, though be aware for gaming it produces a lot more heat and uses a lot more power than the 6700k, plus you have to overclock the 5820k quite a bit for it to match the 6700k, which you may or may not enjoy doing.

Power isn't really an issue as I live at home, and my dad dosent really care about the extra however many watts as my current PC uses stupid amounts anyways, and his bill is high enough, and 60 watts or whatever wont make that much difference.
I do enjoy overclocking, i find it quite fun actually :)
5820K for sure, cheaper and better. Plus better platform with future Broadwell -E compatibility.

Skylake + i5 is the sweet spot for gaming, if your looking at 6700K money, then X99 + 5820K etc is hands down the winner.

I am looking around the 6700k pricepoint, but what put me off the i5 is that I couldnt get a GPU upgrade that is actually worth doing so the i5 and motherbaord it would be like £350 and I have a 290 so the only real upgrades are the 980, 390 and the 390x
If you need HT you need X99. Its better value more cores more threads more POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Omfiwajdoijwaod 8 Pack wrote on my post :D :D :D Only been over a year in the pipeline :D
Think this sums it up really I want, and ill quote, "more POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!"
It definitely runs cooler than ivybridge, haswell or devils canyon as ive owned i5's and i7's from all those ranges. No personal experience with skylake yet though. My last 4790k @4.7ghz on 1.300v would hit 75c max, 5820k at 4.5ghz on the same volts maxes at 64c in games. Same cooler used on every chip ive owned since X58. All the cpu's ive owned since X58 have been clocked to a minimum of 4.5 and all ran quite hot. To be expected though as theyre not soldered.

Which cooler do you use mate?
Decided to go for the 5820k bundle, made sense for the less money and more cores as this will probably be my last major upgrade for a few years depending on what happens with my after school choices...
Any recommendations on a good cooler to replace my H100 or atleast some good fans for it?
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