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5820K to 6700K... any benefit?

31 Dec 2006
Any benefit in doing this, aside from perhaps a slight bump in games (if that)? I'm curious from an aesthetic point of view, as friend of mine has a 5820K but is asking me to put together 6700K build for him, mostly because he likes aesthetics of Z170 board and layout etc. He games and does some video/photoshop work, so extra cores aren't entirely wasted, but not exactly essential. I've not had much experience with Skylake so I don't know how well it fares, as I have a 5820K myself, but I'm more curious looking ahead... are we going to see the extra cores on a 5820K utilised in gaming, VR or anything else mainstream soon? Or is that years away yet?
Yeah that's what I was thinking. It's probably not helped that X99 has been a bit pointless for the average user since its release, but we seem to approaching a point in the very near future (perhaps) where it will actually become more beneficial to have those extra cores at your disposal.
Yes, fully agree and echoes what I've been telling my friend. He's just a bit hung up on the aesthetics side of things and likes what he likes lol! All arguments above make perfect sense though, just need to drill that in to him ha!
What clock-speed is the 5820k running at would be the question. Like for like in terms of clockspeed with skylake they are pretty much identical in games and the 5820k will stretch its legs beyond skylake in video/photoshop.

Consider getting an AIO cooler for for the 5820k and run it at 4.5GHZ minimum would be my suggestion.

If video/photoshop less important and gaming in CPU bound games more important then Skylake is pretty awesome as 4.7GHZ is very common on the 6700k. I was lucky and got mine running at 4.8GHZ with low temps.

Maybe also consider an NVMe SSD disk for the 5820k, I was surprised at the kick-up in perf by using one.

He has it running at 4.2 on an AIO, but it's not always super stable. I think it's a bit of a duffer as CPU's go, as mine runs a solid 4.3-4.4 with no issues. I've never got a stable 4.5 on mine either though. Just luck of the draw really.

He has his boot drive on SSD. We both have similar set-ups actually, although I've just got an M.2 which I'll be using as boot drive so I'm interested to see what difference that makes.

not yet it isn't, the 6700k is still faster in dx12, granted true dx12 games going forward the 5820k should be faster but at the moment it simply isn't.

i personally wouldn't swap, but stating you shouldn't because its a downgrade simply isn't true.

Yeah I'd seen that. I always thought of the 6700K as more of a side-grade than anything else, when you weigh up the specific needs and uses in this particular scenario. For a more professional set-up then it definitely swings in favour of the 5820K though.
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