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5900X for video editing/encoding?

29 Aug 2010
I realise that a Threadripper setup would be best for video work, but I don't do nearly enough of it to justify £2500 - £10000 on a CPU for it.
So, for a machine that will be used for occasional video editing and encoding would a 5900X be reasonable these days? I figure it's about £100 cheaper than the 5950X and maybe more if you go 2nd hand. Motherboard is around £125 and I think I have DDR4 I could use, but that's cheap now too.
How hot do 5900X run? Do you overclock 5900X or undervolt them or what and how does that affect temperatures?

My other option is to wait for the 9000 X3D chips and repurpose my 7700 (non-X). I realise it's less cores but it's newer and I think reviews suggest the 7700X isn't far off the 5900X in x264 and even ahead in x265 (not seen mention of AV1). I realise the 7700 isn't quite as good as the 7700X. Would mean a new motherboard, which currently is a little more (maybe ~£150) and some DDR5 which is ~£125? So prices are similar, except with the 5900X I'd eventually have a spare 7700, but not sure there'd be much interest in that by that time. Going with the 7700 means I'd have to wait until I upgrade my main rig.

I can't decide if the 5900X is good value or a poor investment these days as it's about to be 2 generations out-of-date.
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