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5960X or 5930K for new build ?

22 Jan 2015
Hey Guys,

I'm currently getting my new rig spec sorted but I'm really on the fence with regards to which CPU to go with. My main needs were for the two times 16 PCI-e for my two Titan X so either CPU covers that.

I am likely going to opt for the X99 Deluxe instead of the Rampage Extreme but this is down to aesthetics and the need to have a colour change from my current rig. But I just don't know if the extra money is worth it for the 5960X over the 5930K.

My PC will be used for some photo editing and most of all gaming with Star Citizen being a major consideration in the upgrade. How much of a loss would I see by opting for the 5930K?

I don't want to buy the 5930K if I'll regret it a couple of months down the line if I find out there's a big difference between them in games, hence the question that has likely been asked many times before but a search didn't give me the specifics I was looking for.

Thanks for looking.
My understanding is that the 5930K is faster for gaming (at stock speeds) than the 5960X and will likely overclock a bit better due to fewer cores.

The 5960X only pulls ahead on heavy multi-threaded work like rendering, it'll be a very long time yet until games start taking advantage of more than 2 or 4 cores let alone 6+
Thanks for the reply Omar. A lot of people say that my current CPU is better for gaming (the 4790K) but am I right in thinking that the 5960X and the 5930K do a far better job of PhysX ?

That seems to be where my current rig falls short. Anything that is reliant upon the CPU drags the FPS down. I've read that Star Citizen requires a good CPU and my two Titan X will benefit a lot from it. Won't Win 10 and DX12 start to take advantage of the better CPU's too ?
Don't let Star Citizen be ANY reason to base an upgrade, by the time Chris roberts finishes adding micro features and releases the game You'll either be A: Bankrupt from all the virtual ships you bought or B: The year will be 2027 and your X99 system wont even keep up with the modern version of solitaire.

A lot of people say that my current CPU is better for gaming (the 4790K) but am I right in thinking that the 5960X and the 5930K do a far better job of PhysX ?

The 4790k you have right now is fine, and no having a 5960x or a 5930k probably wont do squat for PhysX.

Wait and save your monies i promise you won't regret it.
If you're willing to blow that much money get the 5930k, the next GPUs might be able to fully use more lanes than the 5820k has, i wouldn't pay the extra for the top end cpu.
Another vote for 5820k and putting the money saved into GPUs. The one noticeable difference between the 5830k and 5820k is that the 5930k can do 4 way SLI, which is a pointless exercise anyway.
Stick with ur 4790k games like 4 core higher clocked than more core lower in 90% of games.

Also physx should be done on the gpu not cpu anyway. 5960x actually gets some worse fos in certain games over the 4/6 cores.
4970k is fine for gaming/photo editing.

In comparison I use an overclocked 3570k for gaming at 3440x1440 and a 2011 MacBook Pro for all my photo editing and don't yearn for more power.
From early early benchmarks, it looks like DX12 may unlock the potential of a 5820k/5930k (6 core CPU), but an 8 core (5860x) won't see any real improvement on those two.

So really, what you have is fine at the moment. You might as well wait for some actual games to start properly using 6 cores.

I am a 5930k owner with Titan X SLI by the way.
Thanks very much for all the advice guys, I appreciate it.

I should have mentioned that I have to buy a new PC anyway. My son needs a decent PC so rather than buying a complete new PC for him (because he tends to break stuff all too often) I'd rather get myself the new PC. I can put a 970 in my current PC and give it to him and my Titan's will go into the new build.

I just can't see buying an exact replica of what I currently have so hence the X99 and the lure of 16x16 even if it doesn't mean too much at the moment :)

@ VincentHanna : How are you finding the majority of games perform on this setup, nothing to complain of ? What MB are you using ?
Using an Asus X99-s ATX motherboard.

I run the CPU at 4.4Ghz on AIO liquid cooling.

Titan X SLI runs pretty much anything you throw at it at 4k/Ultra/60hz so long as you don't go crazy on the Anti-aliasing.
Using an Asus X99-s ATX motherboard.

I run the CPU at 4.4Ghz on AIO liquid cooling.

Titan X SLI runs pretty much anything you throw at it at 4k/Ultra/60hz so long as you don't go crazy on the Anti-aliasing.

Thank you, that sounds like my kinda system. I was looking at getting the X99-S instead of the Deluxe as I just don't need those extra features of the Deluxe board. Can I ask what RAM you are using with this setup and if you have any issues at all with that 4.4GHz OC on the CPU ?
i had to make this same decision and in the end i bought the 5960x and i love the power of this cpu and in no way do i regret buying it. runs my beast nvidia 256mb 7600gs easily. lol
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I also had to make this decision recently. I have gone with the 5930k and put the money towards a third titan x. I don't really do anything but gaming so the extra two cores are not really required. Also I think you are more likely to get a higher overclock as it has a higher clock by default.
Thanks guys, yeah the higher OC is important and the main reason to have made me stick with the 5930K. The extra funds have been spent on a better case, a better fan controller, more RAM and a hardline tubing setup which was going to wait till a later date but now there's no need to wait.
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