5G Masts

2 Apr 2009
Location, Location!
Hi guys, just had this leaflet posted through my door together with details about a new 5G mast that is seeking planning permission at the end of my road. Just wondering if I should join the crusade to stop the 5G mast as this leaflet sounds pretty convincing that they are bad? Any advice as I'm pretty sure the girl's face in that photo is not normal?

Tbh 5g doesn't seem all that much faster for browsing. I tend to turn off 5g in London to save my battery.

That said we've been irradiated for generations and other than sensationalism I've not really heard of any fair reason to be wary.
The other page I got with this starts its first bullet point with 'Concerns about 5g are not conspiracy theories' and I like to think that is how you know that this must be genuine.
Come on, we need contact details! The amount of fun we could have with this :D
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