£5k budget - TV or Projector?

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
I keep reading good things about projectors - OK, for that budget you’re still required to pretty much blackout the whole room for the best experience, but with a 120” throw in 4K can a projector tip the balance in its favour?

By the way this is going into a new snug once build work has completed. Regular setup remains in the main living room (55” Samsung KS8000).

Been looking at the Sony VPL-VW320ES.

Hoping to get some advice from owners of both. Either set up, Projector or TV, will be getting the same speaker package. The £5k is for the visual component though I might need to think about projection screens which can be punchy in price.
That is literally in a different league. Wow!! Though now I feel a bit sad and my £5k seems woefully inadequate. Total budget is £8k but the additional funds is meant to cover speakers and amp (and should I go for a projector, the screen too which I plan to be fixed).

Will be coming to you with questions for sure + subscribing to that thread of yours.
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