
13 Jun 2005
West Midlands
Short story -

Relocated back to Birmingham from London. Have rejoined EasyGym in the city centre and want to pick up my stronglifts routine where I left off (around 72.5kg SQ).

Thing is I can only go to the gym at lunch time so will only really have about 50-55 minutes to do my workout. I was planning to do it like this in order to ensure I get a good workout and be back at my desk in good time -

Monday - Squats only
Tuesday - Last 2 workouts from Workout A/B
Wednesday - Squats only
Thursday - Last 2 workouts from Workout B/A
Friday - Full Workout A/B

Am I messing around with the workout too much? Will I still get the same results just slower?
Back to desk mate. So yesterday I did my squats and squeezed in the BP. Got back to my desk 5 minutes over allotted lunch hour which isn't the end of the world.
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