6 points and a grand fine I had no idea about!



6 Sep 2007
Tomorrow I have to go to court to make a Statutory Declaration regarding a fine and 6 points which were apparently issued to me back in June.

They have been given due to a 'failure to disclose' the driver caught speeding back in November 2017.

This speeding ticket was for a car I had part exchanged a few months before.

It looks like the logbook never got swapped which is strange as my new car did without issue at the same time.

On top of this all correspondence regarding the ticket went to my old address, so I had no knowledge of this until I received a red letter from the court regarding the unpaid fine. This was sent to my new address, when speaking to them they stated they used my updated license address to find me (as opposed to the incorrect logbook registration used for the speeding ticket).

So tomorrow I have to declare I had no knowledge of the ticket etc. And then apparently it starts all over again and I have to tell them who was driving.

Should be a fun day!
Nah me either, definitely a boring waste of a morning. Thanks Housey but it should all be nice and easy.
After a long morning of waiting and then giving my declaration they have wiped the points and fine, however now I have to appear at Trail in BRADFORD(!) courts to plead guilty / not guilty to the original charges of speeding and failure to disclose. They've set this date for mid 2019!

I will see if I am able to resolve this with the issuing police directly to get it all dropped.
If its been passed to the CPS theyll likely tell you to get lost and deal with it on the day.

Obviously it should be easy to provide your sale receipt etc. (I hope!)

I hope not, as it is simple to prove with the receipt that they are charging the incorrect person therefore further investigation will be required if they wish to proceed with any conviction etc. which is something the police ought to resume rather than allowing it to continue with the CPS.
So I got a reminder pop up on my phone for my Bradford Court date coming up next week!! That flew by, but I can't remember anything about any of this so good thing for this thread, using it to refresh the memory hah!

Starcourt date 943186
Dear diary, that blonde lawyer today got me feeling to do proper haram tings! Oi-eeee

Now I just gotta find where I kept all that paper work nice and safe...
Anyone in Bradford recommend a nice curry place to hit up for lunch? Might as well enjoy myself while I'm there.
Sweet, cheers. Akbars like Manchester and Brum chain? Decent, love the tikka rabbit. Recommend any decent sea food style indians?
Time to mission half way up the country for this buzzcocks! Wish me luck!
Also, anyone fancy joining me for a lunch curry afterwards hit me up.
Cheers guys. Just sitting here next to sadam hussein waiting my turn. I really want to snap a pic but I'm not that brazen! Literally the spitting image, full moustache and all!

Edit: damn, I tried but battery is on 2% so won't let me take a picture!
Fuming! Waiting there all morning then finally the usher comes out and says to me "what's your name again?" ,then goes back in and a few mins later comes out to tell me the case has been withdrawn!! Lame!
I'm gonna take em for 2 grand plus emotional distress.

It was extremely poor show. I was first there, waited through all their delays. After an hour the west Yorkshire police lady representing those charging me came out and asked to speak with me because I was pleading not guilty. That's when I told her about the car sale and that the DVLA registration must not have happened etc. Then she went back inside and that was it.

So I waited and waited and asked the usher how long until I'm seen a number of times "oh not long now". It was only until I was the last person there that the usher went to find out what's going on and then told me it had been withdrawn.

That damn copper didn't have the courtesy to tell me, even though she walked past me about 5 times after she'd spoken to me. Nothing. ****!

So before I left I called the usher back telling her I'd like to proceed with compensation / victim surcharge and they sent me to reception who told me to submit it all in writing with time-lines and wage slips etc. At the moment I definitely will, but who knows if I'll bother once I've cooled off.

On a side note, any news of a knife incident at Bradford courts is a minor it was just me!! Haha those who havent been to court won't know but you go through metal detector security and have your bag searched etc.

I went through this twice (went out for a fag) perfectly fine. Then I was looking in my bag for chewing gum and found my pocket knife(!) So on my way out I told them that they need to empty peoples bags when they search them as they missed my knife... "he's got a knife!!" cue me having to negotiate my way out of their lack luster g4s security team! Haha
Haha go on! I'll try but most likely end up with a letter dancing around an apology and a voucher for a philpotts sandwich (basic selection only!)

I learned today though that the Akbars in Bradford is the original! I should have known...

Also, Sadam Husseins name was Mohamed Bigg, Mr Big! How they using the most blatant witness protection name I'll never know!
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