£600 gaming machine

3 May 2008
Ok, I currently use a laptop and miss playing the latest games, so am planning on building a computer this summer. My budget is about £600.. I've never built a computer before, so don't have any components (I've already got monitor/keyboard/mouse) or a case etc.

I probably won't overclock and don't really want to spend out money on extra cooling (I'll probably look into all that in a year or two).

If anyone wants to make a £600 spec, that would be awesome, but I would also appreciate any tips or suggestions.

One thing that I wanted to ask - for the PSU, how do you know how much wattage you need?

Thanks :)
Oh wow, this was a quick reply.
Some pretty decent specs you guys put together. Far better than I was managing to do on my own and for the right price.. I'm most impressed :D

I am strongly tempted by the quad.. I do multitask quite a bit, how easy is it to OC your cpu?
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