6280 - my thoughts

18 Oct 2002
Its simply a very very good phone.


good camera
nice interface (&fast)
nice screen
good speaker & radio
good bat life

iffy build (but mine seems fine!)

Donno why theres a lot of neg rep with this fine, but its awsome and i love it! Im gonna post more later, some pics with phone maybe etc :)
well i got a free 64meg card, but im gonna upgrade it, it holds like 150photos (10odd sedconds of video though - and it has a few mp3s/vids/pics on it)

inbuilt memory is pretty pants its like 6meg or something..

one thing im not sure of its whether itll take 1gig minisd or not...
Sisters got one, I've had a little play with it and I think it's a well nice phone. My partner also just ordered one from Three yesterday as it's about the only decent phone they have.
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