64GB on an Asus Z270i STRIX board, what are the chances?



18 Oct 2002
Now that 32GB dimms are readily available any guesses as to whether something like an Asus Strix Z270i mini ITX board would be happy with two of these to give 64GB total?

I'm guessing not as the specs say max of 32GB, but back when it was released 32GB sticks weren't really around.

But would it mean that there'd need to be a BIOS update released to support the larger capacity, and if there isn't then I'd be poop out of luck? :)

Sorry if it's an obvious question!
If the cpu supports 32gb simms you have a chance. Lots of people run unsupported ram.
If you look on Google the info is mixed some saying it works and some saying not.

Google 64gb on z270 itx.
Cheers, will drop ASUS a note but expecting them to just say as it’s not on the officially supported specs they can’t say anything else.

What I’m interested in is whether anyone has actually tried it, couldn’t see anything specific to my board but didn’t check to see if there was anything around general z270 itx boards.

The cpu supports 64GB (7700k) so could be alright, unless BIOS limits anything...
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