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6600gt problems :(

22 Dec 2005

im new to the forums and i was wondering if anyone could help me,

ive got an msi 6600gt 128mb PCIE

and when i load games like bf2 and earth 2160 they crash horribly during gameplay..

to even get to play for more than five minutes in earth 2160 i have to run everything on low settings and window box it

with battlefield 2 its like if lots of things are happening in one screen my gfx cant handle it and it just turns off,

maybe it could be because of overheating?

my 3dmark05 results are low like 19fps

im sure this card cant be that bad

afterall i paid £130 for it

thanks for any help it would be greatly apreciated

sorry to bump this but ..

what are peoples opinons on me buying a 3rd party vga cooler.. i think a couple of the zalman ones look good... the gfx itself runs at 47c when idl i think its partly becuase of my micro atx case (aspire xq pack) .. everythings cramped together

im sorry i didnt quite get you, do you mean every single driver on my computer or jus the ones todo with nvidia etc

just got this error when playing cs:s:


It then closed cs and froze for a bit

Thanks for the replys i updated my drivers to forceware 83.10

but is it normal for these 3 files:


to not be found?


Could this be my problem

hey guys..

Well i have basiclly sorted this out , whilst browsing some msi support forums
found a lot of other people with the same problem as me
the mobo and gfx card have some incompatibilty problems and i hould be able to RMA the board for an updated one :)

Thanks for all the help and input though
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