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680 SLI or Not?

2 Jul 2012
Hey guys,

Currently runnign the rig in my signature below and have recently purchased a 1440P monitor which is pushing the graphics card but it seems ok at the moment (except for ARMA 3, running high settings to get 55-60 FPS). I have put a small OC on the graphics card at the moment and may increase it a little as it seems stable so far to try and squeeze a little more from it.

So the question is, should I get a second 680 and a new mobo as my current one does not support SLI (hindsight is a beautiful thing!!), sell the 680 for a 780/Titan (would there be much improvement?) or keep the setup as is?


Lets do some maths. :)

SLI option:

Motherboard - £110
GPU: £330

Minus possible sale price of you motherboard

= £390 Total Outlay

Single Card option:

GTX 780: £550

Minus Sale of GTX 680

£320-350 Outlay

Titan: £850

Minus Sale of GTX 680

£620 - £650

Raw performance, 680 SLI runs away with it, with the TITAN next and 780..

Though the limiting factor with the 680 SLI is the Vram Cap. 2GB Vram at 1440p may be holding you back...

It's worth seeing now how much VRAM your 680 uses during your games becuase if this is the case 680 SLI isn't an option anymore..
(a program call processexplorer can help you see what VRAM your cards uses, i've used it its very good. :))

What would you think the performance boost would be with 2 680's over a single 780? (Assuming the Vram does't cap out)

Can't say I have hit the VRAM cap on my 680s yet, at 2560x1440.

Good to know - Was just having a look at he 780 with the 3gb of Vram just incase.
Just did a quick test of a few games to see what the memory usage was.

I used MSI Afterburner and had the following results (Games were only played for 5 minutes or so each just to get a flavour and the result came from the Memory Usage, MB graph at the bottom of the hardware monitor)

Arma 3 Multiplayer



Call of Juarez Demo
1258 MB


Bioshock Infinite

Settings are pretty much maxed on all games but AA is off and getting 60 FPS (Arma is on a mix of High/Very High options to try and get close to 60FPS)

Do these look accurate to you - I wasn't in the most demanding part of Skyrim and only have 3 mods installed but would have thought it would have been higher than that.
I should point out that SLI does have issues (which may or may not happen) such as micro-stutter. Though it normally works well.

Don't like the sound of micro stutter. Would I be best just getting a 780?

I am currently running the system in an FT02 case which from my readig benefits more from a reference style cooler so are there any recommendations of which 780 would be best, assuming this is the best way to go?

Watched a few more reviews on the GTX780 running at 1440p and I must say I'm pretty tempted to go for it rather than messing about with a new motherboard and putting the OC back on my i5.

Can't decide which is for the best though, I'm thinking the 3gb VRAM may future proof me better for the next few years?

Will someone kindly push me in the right direction!?
Also, I am running a Z77-D3H with a very early bios revision (not got the info to hand but F2 rings a bell), would the 780 be compatible with the mono or would I have to flash the latest bios? Not done it so far as I can't be bothered to re-do the OC which was on the system at time of purchase.

Thanks in advance

i'd recommend updating just in case. I installed a 780 this weekend on a Z77X-4UP TH (bios f2) and it wouldn't post no matter what i tried. I updated the bios to f9 and it worked fine afterwards.
so my guess is that you'd experience the same problem.

I may have a look at the latest bios tonight and re-do the OC ayway. See how I feel later on.

I've got two 680's and I've had micro-stutter now and then but I've managed to sort it out through modifying some settings here and there in a few games. Well to be exact it's only ever affected BF3 and CSGO but I've managed to sort it out. Personally I'd say save your money and wait another year before upgrading. You're getting decent frame rates and it's not worth buying another card just so Arma 3 will run solid. Don't forget it's just a beta. After a year I'd re-evaluate your options by then 680's will be cheaper and so will the 700 series.

Yes its always an option but I have an itch ha needs a scratch!! Just helped my brother build his rig on the weekend and the bug has bitten again!!

Op have you thought about selling the GTX 680, keeping the mobo and buying a GTX 690. The GTX 690 is faster than a Titan or GTX 780 and even looks very modern still as it uses the same type cooler as the 7 series.

I have a HTPC with an i3 3220 in it that I was going to but a 7850 for at some point anyway so if I were to get a 780 I was going to put the 680 with the HTPC.

May be a bit much pairing the i3 with a 680 but saves buying/selling and would end up with a better card than the 7850 then (budget for the HTPC was going to be £150)
2GB VRAM is not enough in all games at 1440p. people may not of seen a cap on their 2GB cards but when you have cards with more than 2GB they easily eat into it past that 2GB threshold. BF3 for instance when I had 680s would sit at about 1980-2010MB of VRAM usage. Now I have more than 2GB I regularly see BF3 using anything up to 2400MB.

I've seen it in other games too but can't remember which sorry. Might be because I'd forced a stupid amount of SGSSAA or something though. As I said, can't remember.

I'd go for a 780 if I was dead set on upgrading now though.

I posted some of my findings with regard to VRAM above and the only one that gets close is Arma 3 (of the games I play) and that still had 10% spare so 2gb it's fine for now, just wonder what will happen in he next few years as I won't be wanting an upgrade for a while if i spend money on going SLI now (don't hold me to that though!!).
Leaning towards a 780 at the moment but as I'm running in an FT02 (90 degree rotated motherboard setup) I can't decide which cooler type to go for. I know the leaf blower style is supposed to be best in the case but it's so loud on the 680 and I really fancy the 780 Windforce 3x OC. Anyone have any experience with the Windforce 780 or similar in the FT02?

Not sure what the temps would be like in the case with the cooler style?

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