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6850K vcore

21 Jan 2008
Northwood, London
Bought the Titan Tornado from good old OcUK (rig in sig) a couple of months ago and just wondering what the lowest vcore I can get without BSOD's? At the mo it's at 1.241 (@4.2Ghz) and from I can remember (getting on a bit so bear with me) was to lower it by .25 each time. But rather than do this and potentially taking a wee while, is there a minimum I can get it to and then have play around with it a little? I haven't done a massive amount of fiddling around (no pun intended) due to being content in the past, but I thought I'd like to try...any help is greatly appreciated :)
you will have to try that yourself as every chip is different. you could go the other way and set it to 1.1v and go up 0.025v untill it boots :p
Thanks for the advice Jumper, a rough idea was what I needed and I'll start around 1.1v and go from there. Just didn't fancy taking a wild guess and taking an age to get somewhere near lol.
Once it boots remember to stability test it as well. Most people recommend Asus Realbench for newer CPUs.


+1 for Realbench - my 6850 boots with 4.2 and 4.3 at voltages which simply don't stand up if you make the CPU do a bit of work...

For what it's worth, disable or close any monitoring or stats software which has an OSD overlay while you run Realbench - I found the OSD from my NZXT cooler 'CAM' software crashed one of the Realbench components, scratched my head over that for a few hours :/
CAM is utter garbage.

At the moment I am having some issues getting realbench to not crash at stock :(

Though it might be caused by openhardwaremonitor or something.
CAM is utter garbage.

At the moment I am having some issues getting realbench to not crash at stock :(

Isn't it just - latest "update" doesn't even load. I was forewarned it's really unstable though so not unexpected. Sounds likely the realbench crash is some other software related, is it Luxmark that dies?
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Guys, many thanks for the advice, I'll have a go Fri night and see how I get on and get back to you if I have any drama's.

Thanks in advance.
I've adjusted the VCore to 1.150 (from 1.241V) and it boots ok, then I ran Realbench using 15 min duration and using 4Gb RAM, it detected an instability at the 13 min point (34.50%)...do you think it's worth giving it slightly more VCore then re-run the test? I did play a couple of games Aliens CM and Resi Evil 6 and they work a charm still without any BSOD's (I doubt they tax anything but....).
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