6950 @ 940 & 1375 needs more volts, help

10 Mar 2011
Hey, got a 6950 pushed it to 940 & 1375 on stock volts for Heaven's sake (I game at 920 & 1375) but crashes at 950. So I think i need more volts:

I haven't flashed to 6970 because I've read about people who've perma boned their cards doing so, is overvolting as risky?
As a OC noob just how safe is overvolting?

Using MSI AB 2.1.0 and cat 11.2 (is 11.4 out yet) and I'd like to know what voltage people have been safely using.

I know there's an official 6950 OC thread here but i can't find it anymore so started my own, if you can redirect me that'd be great.
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