6x4 are 5 1/4 x 4?

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK
Hi all,

Ordered some 6x4 prints from photoworld and they are actually 5 1/4 x 4. Is this normal? Don't want to sound like an idiot if I put a complaint in.

Also, many of the photos have white edges, as if the print has not gone to the edge of the paper. Or, I imagine they are cut out of a larger sheet so the cut isn't accurate.


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What camera did you use, and what aspect ratio does it have? That size is pretty much a 4:3 which is normal for most pint and shoot cameras, and m43 cameras (hence the name). 6x4" has 3:2 ratio left over from the film days, modern DSLRs use the same 3:2 ratio and will print 6x4 prints, P&S cameras wont. Most printing labs seem to crop the edges off.
Do you mean the print itself is 5.25x4", or that the photo on the 6x4 print paper is 5.25x4"?

If it's the latter then that'll likely just be an uploading issue in that you uploaded the photos but didn't choose an option like 'fill photo to edges' (what exactly this is called will vary from printer to printer). Better to choose a print size that matches your photos as if you go with a 6x4 on a 4/3 ratio'd camera and get them enlarged to fill the piece of paper, you might end up with weird crops e.g. cutting off heads at the top and feet at the bottom etc. If it's the former I'd be unhappy and complain to the printer
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