While full 1080p HD is still coming, a crop of 720p HD webcams will be here before you know it. Microsoft and Hercules (the company, not the demigod) will be releasing 720p cameras for your computer in September, 2009.
Microsoft’s LifeCam Cinema is a barrel shaped clip-on webcam that will bring 720p video in widescreen to your computer. There is a built in microphone as well. Microsoft claims that the camera is set to handle the normal lighting situations of a home, so low light situations shouldn’t result in cruddy video. The LifeCam Cinema will cost $79.95.
Hercules is also bringing out its own 720p webcam called the Dualpix HD720p. It has the same features as the LifeCam Cinema with 720p HD and a built in mic. The Dualpix captures video at 30 frames per second. Hercules went with a flatter design which could make packing the device easier. Another distinction is the price—$59.99 for the Dualpix HD720p.
Both cameras are designed for Windows and don’t officially support Mac OS X.
If all of this 1080p/720p stuff has you confused, here’s a quick refresher on what these terms mean: The 1080 and 720 numbers refer to resolutions of 1920 x 1080 and 1280 x 720 respectively. The “p” designation refers to how the image is drawn onto your screen; the “p” stands for progressive. That means that an image is drawn on your screen from top to bottom line by line. The other designation is “i,” which stands for interlaced. Interlaced video draws every other line (the odd lines), then fills in the rest of the picture (the even lines). Most sports programs are broadcast in 720p because it handles motion better.
Official Site & Info
System Requirements:
Windows® 7/Windows Vista®/Windows XP (with Service Pack 2 or higher)
Intel Dual-Core 1.6 GHz or higher and 1 GB of RAM (recommended: Intel Dual-Core 3.0 GHz or higher and 2 GB of RAM)
1.5 GB free space
USB 2.0
Im looking any buying my fiancee a new webcam, i work away from home a lot due to my job. Currenty she ownes a Logitech Quickcam for Notebooks Deluxe, ie not very good at all! I was going to buy her a QuickCam Pro for Notebooks. I own this one myself, and its pretty good quality if you run it on Skype high quality (Supports 640x480 non HD!).
After seeing this, i was thinking about waiting a little and getting one of these instead. The min specs are high considering it just a web cam, but i cant stand choppy low res. cam web conversations.
Does anyone else here use Skype/Msn a lot, could you recommend a decent webcam/software client combo?