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7700k in Z170 Mobo

17 Jan 2012
Manufactures are supplying updates for Z170 to support the 7000 series CPU's but, I have a friend who has ordered a 7700k and a Z170 Mobo, this will not have an updated mobo, will the chip still work so he can grab the BIOS update?

Any effects it might have? Thanks
Why when Z270 is the same price? lack of Windows 7 drivers?

No idea, its just what he picked.

From my experience in testing Kaby Lake it should work fine at stock but overclocking a Kaby Lake on a Z170 motherboard is flaky. I have tried the same board but next gen (Asus Z170-K Vs Prime Z270-K) with the same settings for overclock where possible but where the 7700K is nice and stable at 5Ghz on the Z270 but cant get anywhere near that with the Z170.

Surely the easyiest way to rectify this would be to use your consumer rights, return the product to the retailer and get a Z270 Motherboard???

After he watched me do mine, he has now decided to return the Z170 when he gets it as he has no idea how to computer, I use the MSI XPower Titanium and hit 5Ghz fine, just some sliiiiiiightly high temps, I'll delid at a bit of a later date.

I ran kaby on Asus Z170 before they released Kaby bios. Shouldn't be an issue getting into bios to flash new, you just won't be able to OC until you do.

For me at least, the mobo said it had posted but I didn't get anything on screen, thankfully I can flash my mobo with only power. Now 5Ghz on a Z170 stable :) - After a delid going to push for 5.1 just because.
This is bad. Something is wrong.

Yeah, gonna look at things later on tonight, defo something not right.

No, its not a case of delidding. Prime is not recommended any more by intel. Certain instruction sets cause voltage spikes that can result in really high temps. Use Realbench or Aida64.

I was getting 90's after a session of gaming, I think I have an issue with my setup somewhere
Even the monoblock has no bubbles in it, I'v not fully filled the res so I can see a good flow of liquid, used MX2 TIM and a fair amount to make sure it covered evenly but not overly used.
It won't be because of the mobo, unless there's a fault with it somehow, but then you'd surely be having other problems. What cooler/block are you using?

Custom water loop with XPOWER Monoblock :\

There is deffo something wrong there. I cant see it because you are using a Z170 Motherboard. Do you have a air cooler at all you could try? If its the same then it could be CPU or Motherboard, if its reasonable then its your cooling setup.

On my 6700 non-k, I had OC'd it to 4.3Ghz stable with max temps reporting 70~, this shouldn't be the case, I don't have any other coolers though.

Could just be the bios reporting the wrong temp?

I though this might be the case to be honest but there is some real heat being pumped out of my case
I would nip to a local computer shop and grab a cheap air cooler to test with. I have tonnes you would be more than welcome to but unless you are in Derby it may not be cost effective to come and pick it up.

What coolant do you use? Do you use anti algae or kill coil in your loop? You could have a algae build up in the waterblock.

Mayhems Pastel - Blue Berry Coolant 1L - well under 1yr old and change fluid on chip change, my 6700 non-k was maxing at ~70 @ 4.3Ghz every day use.

I actually nearly come to Derby last week for a new car, how odd... If I'm still getting terrible temps at 4.7 after a delid, I'll consider trying an air cooler but the effort of taking a custom loop out! haha
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