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7800gtx enough for a Dell 2405?

24 May 2004
Managed too pick up a AMD X2 4800+ + 7800gtx for £400 today and my Dell 2405 comes on monday, well chuffed... Bit concerned if the GTX is gonna be enough for the rez of the dell though. Should i pick another up at £150 for sli or wait a bit longer for the G71? Hopefully i could pick up the G71 dirt cheap from the same source...

thanks in advance
As nobody else has replied for whatever reason i thought i would, i take it that your Dell is a moitor of sorts, the fact that you believe an X24800+7800GTX would not be powerfull to do it justice makes me smile, as you have got £800 worth of PC hardware for £9.88 or whatever why ask? Why not get to GFX cards in the first place.
Do you have a small appendage by the way?
EnIgMa said:
it will be fine m8y

i have a X2 400 7800gtx and ell 24" and it handles everything i throw at it

I don't buy that.....what exactly do you throw at it? I don't know any recent game that would run fine at 1920*1200 with any sort of eyecandy.

edit....oh yeah to answer your question..i'd go sli if i were you. I've got an xl clocked at 670/670 with a 3ghz opty (9460 3d05) and even that cant play farcry fully maxed on a 2005fpw without some lag.
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pegasus1 said:
As nobody else has replied for whatever reason i thought i would, i take it that your Dell is a moitor of sorts, the fact that you believe an X24800+7800GTX would not be powerfull to do it justice makes me smile, as you have got £800 worth of PC hardware for £9.88 or whatever why ask? Why not get to GFX cards in the first place.
Do you have a small appendage by the way?

what the hell? The monitor's native resolution is 1920 x 1600 and seen as i arent up too date on graphics cards at, i was simply asking for advice on what too spend the extra cash on... I have too order the extra graphics card if i want it so whats the problem with me asking for advice on a purchase? £150 is a lot of money too me and would rather be certain of a good purchase than a waste.. I wouldn't dream of spending the amount it is required too get this hardware at retail.

"Do you have a small appendage by the way?" <any relation too a computer hardware forum? your in the wrong place if your wanting answers too those kind of questions...

Seems quite a few people get arsey when certain individuals require a powerful PC for whatever reason..
xsnv said:
I don't buy that.....what exactly do you throw at it? I don't know any recent game that would run fine at 1920*1200 with any sort of eyecandy.

edit....oh yeah to answer your question..i'd go sli if i were you. I've got an xl clocked at 670/670 with a 3ghz opty (9460 3d05) and even that cant play farcry fully maxed on a 2005fpw without some lag.

Too go sli i gotta decide tomo as this cheap stock runs out quick, i will probably wait too see how the G71 runs seen as the turnover of the FX card seems too be a lot faster now.
bAz^uk said:
what the hell? The monitor's native resolution is 1920 x 1600 and seen as i aren't up too date on graphics cards at, i was simply asking for advice on what too spend the extra cash on... I have too order the extra graphics card if i want it so whats the problem with me asking for advice on a purchase? £150 is a lot of money too me and would rather be certain of a good purchase than a waste.. I wouldn't dream of spending the amount it is required too get this hardware at retail.

"Do you have a small appendage by the way?" <any relation too a computer hardware forum? your in the wrong place if your wanting answers too those kind of questions...

Seems quite a few people get arsey when certain individuals require a powerful PC for whatever reason..
Didn't mean to be arsey but it appeared a bone question when you bragged about how little you paid, to be fair, a pair of the top GFX cards in your hardware is immaterial as you wont notice the difference, nvidia or ati ar both superb pieces of kit when you have two top end cards.
pegasus1 said:
Didn't mean to be arsey but it appeared a bone question when you bragged about how little you paid, to be fair, a pair of the top GFX cards in your hardware is immaterial as you wont notice the difference, nvidia or ati ar both superb pieces of kit when you have two top end cards.

I am rather old but i still get excited about technology and at that price it has made my day. Of course there is bragging there but when i was randomly offered this kit the same day i was gonna order lower spec at retail price, wouldnt you be chuffed?
yes go SLI. i have the same monitor,X2 4800 and 2 gtx SLI(both vmodded/H2O) clocked at 560/1450 and with full res+eye candy games still can still slow down. FEAR for example.
been informed that 2 of the 512mb cards run it much smoother so when you get the chance get 2 of those.
where do you get a £300+ gfx and £550+ cpu for £400!! thats stonking and another gtx gfx card for £150 please let me in on it i need an upgrade :D
pegasus1 said:
As nobody else has replied for whatever reason i thought i would, i take it that your Dell is a moitor of sorts, the fact that you believe an X24800+7800GTX would not be powerfull to do it justice makes me smile, as you have got £800 worth of PC hardware for £9.88 or whatever why ask? Why not get to GFX cards in the first place.
Do you have a small appendage by the way?
LOL now then :) Well if you can get um for £150 let us have a couple :)
I would'nt be asking where he's getting them from for £150, its not allowed, the thread will get locked or deleted.

Yes a GTX would be fine, but you may as well get the other GTX and SLi them, at that price you would be mad not to. :)
Two 7800gtx 256mb in sli can not run fear with everything max out at 1920x1200 4xAA,16xAF at a suitable fps.

So yes..you need sli to run the lastest FPS games at 1920x1200.

That's if you play the lastest FPS...other types of games will most likely be fine on a single 7800gtx
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chaparral said:
Two 7800gtx 256mb in sli can not run fear with everything max out at 1920x1200 4xAA,16xAF at a suitable fps.

So yes..you need sli to run the lastest FPS games at 1920x1200.

That's if you play the lastest FPS...other types of games will most likely be fine on a single 7800gtx
Any idea how it runs on a single 7800gtx at 1600x1200
Just done a test of fear myself at 1600x1200 4AA,16xAF all settings on max

Single 7800gtx (470/1300)

min 16fps
AVG 26fps
Max 54fps

48% below 25fps
45% between 25fps and 40fps
7% above 40fps

Two 7800gtx in sli (470/1300)

min 25fps
AVG 40fps
Max 83fps

0% below 25fps
65% between 25fps and 40fps
35% above 40fps
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chaparral said:
Just done a test of fear myself at 1600x1200 4AA,16xAF all settings on max

Single 7800gtx (470/1300)

min 16fps
AVG 26fps
Max 54fps

48% below 25fps
45% between 25fps and 40fps
7% above 40fps

Thats a little sluggish on a single, what about with 2xAF/AA
pegasus1 said:
Thats a little sluggish on a single, what about with 2xAF/AA

Retested with it changed to 2xAA,8xAF
Single 7800gtx (470/1300) AMD 4400+ running 2410mhz (220FSB)

min 24fps
AVG 37fps
Max 71fps

5% below 25fps
68% between 25fps and 40fps
27% above 40fps

Look like about an extra 10fps more going from 4xAA,16xAA to 2xAA,8xAA
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chaparral said:
Retest with it changed to 2xAA,8xAF
Single 7800gtx (470/1300) AMD 4400+ running 2410mhz (220FSB)

min 24fps
AVG 37fps
Max 71fps

5% below 25fps
68% between 25fps and 40fps
27% above 40fps

Cheers mate.
Thats very playable, my rig is clocked slightly higher so maybe i'l get another 2 fps
[email protected]
2gig dual chan
Cheers for the info, i might buy it but i havnt even played C&C Generals i got for a tenner in the sales, im replaying COD2 for the 3rd time. :eek:
DaZzZa said:
where do you get a £300+ gfx and £550+ cpu for £400!! thats stonking and another gtx gfx card for £150 please let me in on it i need an upgrade :D

I work for a second hand retail store but we have certain people who bring in brand new hardware and ask virtually nothing for it. Seen as we had no cash in too buy the stock he sold it too me and a other staff. Can basically get hold of anything if its ordered but can be let down. He had 2 x 32" Samsung HD's, the ones used for the xbox launch at £600 each! Staff only though...

Thanks for posting some benchmarks, some dissapointing scores there at 1600 x 1200 with eye candy. I dont usually play many FPS anymore apart from Battlefield 2. I will probably pick up another GTX in the next few weeks (if any left) if its not got the GPU power too run the games i play at 1920 x 1600. Very tempted too wait for march and see what these G71s are like..
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