So I just got a brand new Gigabyte 7850 from here ( ), and I suspect I may have a bad one.
System is as follows:
2500k @ 4.2 Ghz
16 GB 1600 hyperX
Gigabyte z68x-ud3-b3
Corsair 650TX
The system was utterly stable with my old 5770, but now in almost any game that stresses the GPU (most notational sleeping dogs and far cry 3) it locks up my system after 5-10 mins playing.
Black screen with a looping sound buzz - which needs a hard reset to fix.
It's not a heat issue, temps never go above 55, doubt it is a power issue - the 650TX should be more than enough, and the system is fine with the 5770 which draws less, but not massively less. Drivers, bios and everything else is up to date.
Googling about seems this is a common fault with OC 78xx's so I tried underclocking back to stock and it becomes a lot more stable (like 1 lockup in 4 hours play).
So it seems I got a card that can't handle it's own factory overclock (which is a fairly high 975 MHz) which is a problem because even if I underclock it it ignores the underclock setting when dual screening with video's playing (something to do with the cards media acceleration profile).
So, you guys think my best bet is to RMA it? I'm a little worried however that it will come back as not-faulty if I do as it seems to benchmark fine, and even run some games fine and is perfectly stable in general use.
System is as follows:
2500k @ 4.2 Ghz
16 GB 1600 hyperX
Gigabyte z68x-ud3-b3
Corsair 650TX
The system was utterly stable with my old 5770, but now in almost any game that stresses the GPU (most notational sleeping dogs and far cry 3) it locks up my system after 5-10 mins playing.
Black screen with a looping sound buzz - which needs a hard reset to fix.
It's not a heat issue, temps never go above 55, doubt it is a power issue - the 650TX should be more than enough, and the system is fine with the 5770 which draws less, but not massively less. Drivers, bios and everything else is up to date.
Googling about seems this is a common fault with OC 78xx's so I tried underclocking back to stock and it becomes a lot more stable (like 1 lockup in 4 hours play).
So it seems I got a card that can't handle it's own factory overclock (which is a fairly high 975 MHz) which is a problem because even if I underclock it it ignores the underclock setting when dual screening with video's playing (something to do with the cards media acceleration profile).
So, you guys think my best bet is to RMA it? I'm a little worried however that it will come back as not-faulty if I do as it seems to benchmark fine, and even run some games fine and is perfectly stable in general use.
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