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7900 Collated Reviews Thread

23 May 2005
Last edited:
23 May 2005
smids said:
I don't mean to sound like a grouch but I'm not sure about that review. If I was reading it correctly, then even at high resolutions a 256MB 7900GT was beating a 512MB XT even at higher resolutions on some things (BF2 and others). For what is essentially just a speed bumped 256MB 7800GTX, does this ring true, especially given the 3DMark scores. I await a good review but if those are correct, then it looks promising on the nV front :).

I didn't "read" much of it since my french is not too great, I just scanned read the text. But, are you sure you weren't looking at the 7900GT SLI numbers? :p On the graphs, the 7900GT only beats a x1900xt at 1024 resolutions.
23 May 2005
smids said:
Positive - BF2 is one example but there are a few where it was on par with the XT but not as many as I previously thought.

It does seem that nV have done very well though from what I read (I can rely on my french ;)).

Oh, i never noticed that LOL

I guess if your going to play at that high resolution and its thundering along at 250fps then you'll probably add AF and AA anyway, so perhaps the score with AA and AF is a better indication of performance :)
23 May 2005
roadie said:

Russian review. 7600GT is 128bit, not 256bit.

Not bad review. It seems in the tests that they used the XTX is faster than the GTX and the x1800xt is faster than the 7900GT. Hopefully other sites will test more than just hte common games so we can get an round better picture. The 7600GT and X1800GTO both look like cracking cards, the 7600GT especially.

I also noticed that both the GT and GTX run at 1.3v so either, the GT is very overclockable or nvidia have been doing some serious binning.
23 May 2005
Quality Settings?

From the Legit Reviews article it says

"Please note that for all tests, excluding 3D Mark 2006, Nvidia image quality settings were set from "Quality" to "High Quality." ATI image quality settings were left at "High Quality" with "High Quality Anisotropic Filtering" enabled in Catalyst Control Panel."

Does that mean all the other site which didn't mention the quality setting used default, and therefore used HQ for the ATi cards and only quality for the nvidia cards?

To those with x1900s, is High Quality the default in CCC?
23 May 2005
I've read and glanced at a number of articles, all which have been convienently linked on the opening post :p ;)

My personal thoughts and feelings are on the 7900GTX vs the XTX are thus:

  1. gaming performance wise, they are about equal really. Perhaps a slight edge to the XTX with AA and AF, but again it will mostly boil down to nvidia faster in OGL and XTX in D3D
  2. we are probably seeing a price disparity between the GTX and the XTX just now, but two weeks down the line, I can see the prices falling to their actual prices, which I assume would be similar for both cards.
  3. IQ arguments: the angle dependence on the AF of the nvidia cards are hardware related, but the AA quality in HL2 on the XTX is likely a driver problem. Perhaps in a few releases we might see this issue fixed.
  4. the GTX is a cooler, quieter, and less power hungry card. If the power consumption figures are to be believed, the XTX draws 70W more power under load. Even if you game for 5 hours a day, that’s an extra 11kWh a month which is about a £1 worth of electricity, which really isn’t much. When I game, I usually use headphones or speakers with a moderate volume, so it pretty much drowns out even the nosiest fans on my machine, even my 6800NU fan which is LOUD!.
  5. the XTX is perhaps more future proof because it’s abundance of pixel shaders and it’s use of dynamic branching. With this in mind, I do see the XTX gaining a performance lead over the GTX in the coming months. Oblivion could be an upcoming game to test this theory.

My initial feelings would be that I would rather have an XTX than a 7900GTX. I would probably take a X1800XT over a 7900GT as well. However, given the competition against the 7600GT, if I was offered that card, I would take it in an instance. Hopefully, it being pin compatible with the 6600GT, us AGP owners will see it in the AGP platform for good bang for the buck. :D
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