8 Pack takes the spoils (and Prizes) at the half way stage of Kingston Competition.

OcUK Staff
20 Feb 2012
John Smiths Stadium
Did not want to start a new thread as it looks like I am harping on abit!!! especially after recent benching successes!!! But then decided to anyway ;)

Today I won one of the prizes for being top in one of the three benches in the Kingston HOT Overclocking competition on HWbot.

Three benches make up the competition which is split in two time scales. After the first two weeks the leader in any of the three bench marks which are Memory Clock, Super Pi 32m and XTU using Haswell and Kingston RAM win a full system bundle. This bundle comprises of M6E, Haswell, Kingston RAM and Coolermaster PSU.

At the end of Four weeks the top five overall across all three benchmarks goes to Vegas all expenses paid to compete for a $10,000 prize.

Sadly I could only win one bundle as I am top in two sections and leading the field by 21 points.

Full coverage of the scores can be seen here.


My score in the XTU bench is particularly satisfying. It is the best ever recorded using a retail Haswell CPU, Andre Yang who is top used an ES which can accept far more volts safely.

I benched XTU at over 6,125mhz with C6 RAM at 2500+. XTU is a very tough bench to pass. The toughest of them all infact, with only two scores ever seen over 6ghz on Haswell. XTU is based on Prime95 so Prime stable 6,125ghz Haswell anyone!!!

This score can be found here:


I actually have afew better scores with even higher clocks too but will see if the rest can catch up before I unleash the pain!!!! :) and hopefully book my plane ticket to Vegas.
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At home man!!! I dont have LN2 at OCUK.

Prime stable is this bench!! Infact its the only reason to ever run anything to do with Prime as you get a score!!
Who'd have thought we'd see a 6ghtz+ Haswell prime stable :o ;)

Get an ES - moar points = moar prizes! ;)

Awesome results considering the competition!

ES are not allowed in any Comp on HWbot as they are not available to the masses making it unfair.

LN2 costs me around £1 per Litre and I get it form Mansfield Cryogenics. They are great and deliver to me every Friday at least 100 litres. They also supply to me at shows and exhibitions for which careful health and safety is observed.
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I pay for my own LN2.

I will update the Forum with the better scores also, so the guys on here can follow yeah.

I have played with ES Haswell yeah but for most stuff I do Retail is the way to go when posting scores.
Heat is no Issue on LN2 cooling. the better Haswells generally go colder before they cold bug. Usually -120 to -130. Ivy you can go all the way down to -196 without cold bug occuring.
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