8 Pack Team Group or Corsair Vengeance?

6 Jul 2013
So I'm slowly working out the kinks of my build before I commit, but I'm having trouble deciding on the memory (something I skimped a bit on with my past build). Memory timings and overclocking hasn't been much of a forte of mine at all, but ideally I am trying to squeeze a bit more performance in different areas where I can.

My choices:

8 Pack Team Group Edition 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 PC4-25600C14 3200MHz Dual Channel Kit
8 Pack Team Group Edition 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 PC4-28800C16 3600MHz Dual Channel Kit
Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 32GB (2x16GB) 3200 MHz AMD Ryzen Tuned DDR4 Memory Dual Kit
Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 32GB (2x16GB) 3600 MHz AMD Ryzen Tuned DDR4 Memory Dual Kit

From my limited understanding, the Corsair Vengeance RAM has worse CAS latency than the Team Group stuff, with the 3200 MHz versions having lower latency over the 3600. I plan to run these in an X570 MSI Tomahawk motherboard with a Ryzen 3000 series, if possible I'd like to clock the RAM a little higher if the board allows for it and is stable.

Is the Team Group RAM that much better both in regular speed terms and when allowing for overclocking versus the Corsair to warrant the £10-£30 extra?
I would say it's worth the extra to get the 8-pack kits. With the corsair you don't know what actual chips you will be getting but with the 8-pack you're getting Samsung B-die which is the best for overclocking. C14 3200MHz (8.75 nanoseconds) and C16 3600MHz (8.88 nanoseconds) are roughly the same actual latency but 3600 will give you more bandwidth so if you want to overclock get the 3600 as it should be guaranteed to do that speed or more.

Use this to work out the actual latency of different speed kits: https://notkyon.moe/ram-latency.htm

Which RAM to get also depends to some extent on which Ryzen 3000 series you get.
Thanks for the reply! My goal is to get the Ryzen 9 3900x plugged into the new MSI X570 Tomahawk motherboard to take me into the next 5 years and much more - if that should make a difference?
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