If anyone hasn't had the pleasure of using a magnetic tank bag before and orders one of these, keep in mind a few things :-
1. Always, always give the underside of the tank bag a good brush down with your hand before fitting if you have taken it off and wandered around with it then returned to the bike to continue your journey.
2. Use something between the tank and the bottom of the tankbag to protect the paintwork. Something along the lines of a thin duster or cloth which will give protection but still allow the magnets to do their thing.
I personally wouldn't use a magnetic one again after owning several but I can't deny that this is a very good deal. I use an Oxford Sports tank bag with a tank fitted harness that it zips to which goes some way to helping prevent any paint damage and protects the tank. The Baglux ones go even further than this by covering almost the entire tank.
Just a few thoughts if you haven't used a tank bag of any type before.