80's Celebrities

2 Jan 2006
Tamworth, Staffordshire
Ok, a bit of fun for an idle Sunday evening.

Here are a few TV 'celebrities' that I remember growing up knowing, but haven't got a clue what happened to them:

Murdock from the A-Team
Wincy Willis
The guy who played Danny in The Shining
Timmy Mallet
Tommy Boyd
Willis and the sister from Different Strokes.
Heroine dealer i heard Willis became. And the sister got fired after getting pregneant, became addicted to painkillers and killed herself 5 or 6 years ago I think.
Anyone confirm that?
Samatha fox

Timmy Mallet is doing the club circuit at student nights. I went into work when I was admin at a club a few years back and played the answerphone messages from the night before to find one from him.

That was very bizarre.
What you talkin' 'bout?


I saw Gary Coleman in an A Team send-up with WWF wrestler John Cena. Bad, Bad Man playing in the background, it was great :D

Anyway, this is what he looks like now:


No different
Tommy Boyd used to be on the radio station Talksport a few years ago. He had a programme called the Human Zoo where all the phone calls taken were unscreened. It was great but unfortunately he was fired :(
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