Just got my Inno 3D 8800GT OC through the door and apperantly theres a moddified bios for the cards? not sure if it will work on other brands?
The funny thing is, a few review sites cant seem to overclock the card anymore, not even by 1MHZ so they must be locked or need Volt mods?
Partners have been given considerable license to engage it releasing pre-overclocked versions. Inno3D has done just that with its Overclock model, pushing default 600/1500/1800MHz frequencies up to 702/1674/2000 once flashed with the supplied BIOS. Users not wishing to push the card right to the limit will make do with 650/1500/1900MHz clocks, though.
The funny thing is, a few review sites cant seem to overclock the card anymore, not even by 1MHZ so they must be locked or need Volt mods?